More Me in BSD Incorrect Quotes

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This is part deux! I hope you all enjoy this one! I haven't decided on what to call my sister's ability yet, but she's 17-19 in the Bungou no Stray Dogs universe. Anyways, let's get to it.

Me, having been kidnapped: Lex. Hey, Lex.
Lexi: Yes, aneki?
Me: Can you get me out of here? I don't like your boss.
Lexi: *raises a brow* Do you care about my well-being and safety?
Me: Yes?
Lexi: Gin would kill me if I let you run free.
Me: *mad pout*


Dazai: Keep eating like that and you'll get fat, Paige-chan.
Me: Do you want me to die?
Dazai: Preferably in a double suicide with me.
Me: This eating habit is what's keeping me from starvation. There's a reason why my ability is called Glutton.
Kunikida: I... see.


Me, working undercover and disguised in the PM: *locks eyes with my sister*
Lexi: *locks eyes with me*
Both of us: *understanding wink*
Me: So, bonding?
Lexi, nodding: Bonding.
Both of us: *happy chatter*


Me: Hey, sis, I'm back.
Lexi: Welcome back. How was your run?
Me: It was fine. It felt like someone was watching though so that was terrifying.
Lexi: Of course. Anyways, I made waffles if you want some.
Me: This is why I love you.
Lexi: *smiles* Ew.
Me: *snorts*


Me: Why are you here, Higuchi?
Higuchi: I wanted to ask you if I could date your sister.
Me: Since when do we ask for permission? What is this, the Middle Ages? Do you think Gin asks my sister for permission before kidnapping me?
Higuchi: Oh.
Me: Mhm. That being said, I'll still grant you permission.
Higuchi: *happy*


Me, in disguise: Hey, Hashido, I have something to ask you.
Lexi: Yes?
Me: Why does Gin seem... upset?
Tachihara: That's because her drug is gone.
Me: Who?
Tachihara: Paige Cecelia. You didn't know?
Me: I'm new. You didn't know?
Tachihara: *facepalm*
Me: Stupid.


Akutugawa: Are you an ability user?
Me, in disguise: Yes.
Akutugawa: Interesting. What is it called, Okita?
Me: That is private information. I will only speak about it when I am ready to. For now, just assume it has to do with my strength.
Akutugawa: *eyes narrow* Mhm.


Kyouka: Okita, may I speak to you?
Me: Of course, Izumi. How may I be of assistance to you?
Kyouka: You know Paige-san, right?
Me: Mhm. Highschool friends. Why?
Kyouka: Gin-san wants to know what kind of sweets she likes.
Me, smiling: Cecelia likes chocolate the most. She doesn't usually care what kind.
Kyouka: Ok then. *leaves*
Me: *chuckle*


Me: *vibing*
Gin: She's so pretty.
Akutugawa: Sis, she's an Agency member.
Gin: So is the weretiger.
Akutugawa: I-
Gin: Anyways, she's so amazing.


Lexi: Gin, stop obsessing over Cecelia. It isn't healthy.
Gin: Since when did you have first name privileges?
Lexi: We grew up together. She and I were friends back when we were younger.
Gin, a tad bit jealous: Uh-huh? Is that right?
Lexi: She's basically my sister. No need to assume things.
Gin, relieved: Oh, okay.
Lexi: Anyways, I'm going to go home since I hate working here after hours.


-Lexi invited the PM to our place-

Lexi: Now that this is over and done with, I have one warning for you all. You enter my sister's room and try to wake her, you won't come out alive. Understood?
Them: Understood.
Lexi: Great.
Gin: *sneaks into my room to get away from the crazies*
Me: *asleep*
Gin: *turns around and sees me*
Gin: As long as I don't wake her, I should be good. *climbs into bed*
Me: *sleepy groan as I roll over*
Gin: *internally fangirling as she wraps her arms around my torso*


-The Next Morning-

Me: *wakes up and feels arms around my torso*
Also Me: *turns around and sees Gin* What happened last night?
Also Also Me: *processing*
Lexi: *opens door* Hey, sis. Breakfast is ready and-omg.
Me: Lex, what happened last night?
Lexi: Nothing important. Why aren't you struggling?
Me: Because I want to do something. *turns my head*
Gin: *wakes up as Lexi leaves and kisses my temple*
Me: *turns around with a feigned sleepy groan and blinks as though just noticing her*
Gin: *panic*
Me: *sleepy smile* Mm? Ohayo, Gin. I'm glad that you haven't kidnapped me yet. *yawn*
Gin: *flustered lesbian panic*


-2 Days Afterwards-

Gin: She smiled at me, Ryuu. Smiled!
Akutugawa: *sighs because he's heard this story four times already*
Higuchi: What's going on here?
Akutugawa: Gin is having a lesbian panic because of what happened two days ago.
Higuchi: What happened?
Gin, a flustered mess: I may have snuck into Hashido's sister's room, fell asleep there, and woke up there. I saw she wasn't awake and decided a little kiss to the temple wouldn't hurt. She woke up, turned around, saw me there, and instead of panicking, she smiled at me. Smiled! She even said good morning and called me Gin!
Higuchi: Well, that's something. So, Paige-san is like a sister to Hashido?
Akutugawa: *shrug* Apparently.


Me: *yawns for the fourth time*
Atsushi: Are you alright, Paige-san?
Me: Yeah, I just didn't get a lot of sleep last night.
Yosano: You know, when you can't sleep, it means someone's thinking about you.
Me: Who was thinking about me at 4 am?
-At the PM-
Gin: *sneeze*


Me: *wakes up to see a rose and chocolate on my windowsill*
Lexi: *walks in and sees the presents* Well, I can't say I'm shocked.
Me: *opens the window and takes the gifts* Why do you say that?
Lexi: Well, she was talking about doing that.
Me: Who is this "she"?
Lexi: You already know.
Me: *chuckle*

That's all for today! I hope you guys enjoyed this! I hope you all are staying safe! Au revoir!

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