The Lover of an Elder God (Oneshot)

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I hope you all will enjoy this story. I tried really hard to make it worthwhile, so enjoy! Also, trigger warning for attempted suicide and mentions of it.

Prompt: Fukuzawa and Cecelia have been in contact for a while which makes the other gods suspect that there's something between them.
AU: God
Pairing (s): Goddess!Ozaki Kouyou x Human!Lexi(My sister) x Goddess! Yosano Akiko (background)
Elder God! Fukuzawa Yukichi x Human! Cecelia (Me)

Not many worshipped the elder gods anymore. Their ways were too archaic and uncontrollable for many to handle. People hated what they couldn't control.

Only one family had stayed faithful to their ways even as many decided not to pay it any mind. Because of this, the family suffered because they were blessed with supernatural abilities. Many people hated that. This family was the Paige family.

Cecelia had heard that her father had gotten into an accident, but she knew that he had been murdered. Then, she had watched from the shadows as her mother was burned alive. This made her cling to her sister as they were all they had left of each other.

The people from their village didn't stop there though. They burned the house to the ground, tore their clothes, beat them severely, and one of the villagers had almost done something unspeakable to Lexi. Thank the gods for supernatural abilities.

After a while, the two were given a rundown house, not so good clothes, and the worst sort of food. All because they practiced the ways of the elder gods. Cecelia had almost let her light die out because of humanity's cruelty.

That was how she actually met the person who she would grow to love.

She had taken a knife with her and was crying as she trudged over to where her favorite willow tree was. First her father, then her mother, and now her sister was missing?! Why?! Why were the gods so cruel to her?!

Cecelia's cries echoed in the forest. Probably because it was silent. Too silent. If Cecelia hadn't been out of her mind with grief, then she probably would have noticed how silent it was.

Once she finally reached her favorite willow tree, she laid down against the bark. Broken exhales were released as she calmed herself long enough for her to see what she was doing. She tilted the knife to where her solar plexus was. Just one swift movement and the knife would be embedded in her solar plexus.

Cecelia's hands started to shake a bit. She knew that it was going to be painful, but it wouldn't amount to all the pain she had gone through.

You can do this.

It's just one swift movement.

This is all it'll take.

Do it. Do it now. Now. Now. Now!

Drop the knife!

Cecelia jolted at the unfamiliar voice in her head. The knife slipped out of her grasp and pierced her right thigh. This caused her to wince. The female suddenly heard footsteps and hurriedly pulled out the knife to press down on her wound. A hand suddenly stopped her before she could. "Don't get dirt in the wound."

The voice practically reverberated through her soul. It was deep, masculine, and it held a note of authority in it. The person that the voice belonged to was too handsome to be human.

His eyes were what stood out to her the most. Metallic blue eyes were eying her wound as this male tended to it. A metallic blue that was a bit more blue than her stormy blue eyes. Cecelia eyed whoever this was with much curiosity. Who was this strange man and why was he tending to her wound?

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