Reminded as to Why (Suguru x Vermillion)

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WARNING! This will contain spoilers from Jujustu Kaisen Volume 0. If you haven't read it yet, then I don't recommend reading this yet. The manga takes place a couple of months before the actual manga. Let's get on with the show.

Geto Suguru was ready to die.

At least, that's what he thought.

After Satoru had left him to die after saying a couple of words, Suguru had just been staring at the wall in front of him.

He then thought back. Back to better days. Days when she was by his side.


Geto was watching as a curse stalked a young woman holding a glowing spear. His interest had been peeked and he followed after them.

The female displayed zero to no interest in the curse following her, making him wonder if she even noticed the curse.

He got his answer when the curse jumped at her and the female whipped around and tossed the spear faster than he could blink. The spear hit it's mark and the curse let out a frightened scream as it collapsed and disintegrated. The spear followed soon after.

Her eyes suddenly landed on him and she blinked in surprise. "How long have you been there?"

Suguru was surprised by her voice. It was as smooth as molasses and she spoke in a honeyed tone. He shook his head before smiling at her. "Long enough to see you get rid of the curse. You have amazing reflexes."

The female looked him up and down as though appraising him. "Hm, you don't seem so bad yourself. You may call me Vermillion, human."

Suguru raised a brow. "My name is Geto Suguru. You speak as though you aren't human."

"I'm not. I'm the child of the Great Wolf and a siren. So, I'm a full-blooded monster."

"You don't seem like a monster to me."

Vermillion chuckled. Suguru relished in the sound of it. "I'm being serious with you, Vermillion."

Vermillion gave him a smile. "I know, Geto. Now, I have someone I need to get to. It was nice meeting you though."

"Lovely meeting you too."

The two waved goodbye as Vermillion raced off. Geto found himself wishing she would stay.


Geto was out running an errand while sneering secretly because of all the people who couldn't use jujustu surrounding him.

He then saw a face in the crowd and hurried towards it. Because it was her face that stood out amongst the crowd.

When Geto reached the young woman, she turned to him. It was Vermillion. Her lips quirked up. "Ah, Geto. What a coincidence. I didn't think I'd run into you here."

Geto smiled at her. "I'm out running an errand. Could do better without all the stench."

"Fufufu. I feel you. I can smell that some people haven't even bothered. No perfume or cologne. Bleh."

Although Geto hadn't meant it like that, he smiled at her. "How revolting. Are they trying to end up as loners?"

Vermillion merely shrugged before gesturing for him to come with her. Geto did just that as he gave her a smile. "So, what brings you here?"

Vermillion hummed. "I was visiting my apprentice. He's been trained in runic magic. He's a human axolotl, so he's a cute boy."

"What is an axolotl?"

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