The Two Wolves (Oneshot)

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Prompt: Vermillion meets Fukuzawa. Things go from there. (Bungou no Stray Dogs x TW!OC)
Pairing: Fukuzawa Yukichi x Vermillion Fenrirdottir


Vermillion had first met both the doctor and bodyguard when she had dislocated her left arm. Due to her high pain tolerance, she hardly realized something was wrong until she actually looked at the arm.

Yeah, that was certainly a field trip.

Vermillion sighed as she entered the space and started to wait. An underground doctor was suspicious, but it seemed to be her only option at the moment.

A man was standing in front of the door that would lead her to her doctor. He had a stone cold face, but her eyes trailed all over his form.

He wore traditional clothing, had a sword at his side, had a scarf around his neck, had pretty short silver hair, and when her eyes trailed to look at his, the metallic blue irises were suddenly on her.

Fukuzawa had sensed someone eying him, but he hadn't expected the person to be a young woman, probably in her mid 20's, wearing a black tank top (wasn't she cold?), jeans, and black boots with blueish black hair and stunning emerald green eyes.

Something about her was... otherworldly. It was a push and pull with his senses. Like a magnetic wave that drew people in, even if they would get hurt.

The two continued staring at each other for gods know how long before a sudden cough interrupted them. "Having a staring match with a patient, Fukuzawa?"

A chuckle left the female's lips at that. "Fufu, you speak as though we were playing. We were examining each other. Now, on a more serious note, my left arm is dislocated and this place was closer."

The underground doctor nodded at her with a business smile. "Of course. Right this way. You are...?"

"Fenrirdottir Vermillion. Nice to meet you."

"That is an interesting last name you have, Fenrirdottir-san. My name is Mori Ougai and this is my bodyguard, Fukuzawa Yukichi. It's nice to meet you too."

Vermillion nodded to him before she entered the room with a quick glance towards the bodyguard.

Fukuzawa was interesting to the young monstrous child. Maybe if she stuck around long enough, she'd find out more.

Vermillion wanted to get underneath his skin.


This next time Vermillion came in, she had been dragged by a regular.

The doctor and bodyguard were surprised to see a knife in the young woman's stomach. Vermillion then looked down and it seemed as though she had just noticed the knife. "Oh. How did that get there?"

The regular looked at her as though she were crazy. "Can you not feel pain or something?!"

"I actually just have a very high pain tolerance. It's nothing big."

Fukuzawa approached the young woman and led her over to Mori. "Nonetheless, that is a dangerous wound. You need to get that checked now."

Vermillion complied with him and had soon fallen asleep. The two had slightly panicked until they heard steady breathing and sighed out of relief.

When Vermillion woke up, she didn't expect someone to be there. She let out a yawn as she pushed herself up.

"I see you're awake now."

Emerald irises fixated on the metallic blue of Fukuzawa's eyes. Vermillion smirked. "It seems the doctor lets his bodyguard have free time. That's surprising."

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