A New Beginning

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Heads up: I do not own any of the characters mentioned in the story. The characters all belong to Monsta/Animonsta Studios. The story and plots belongs to me, tcqbits.

This is my first story and I would really appreciate the comments on how to improve. Now, lets get on with the story!


On Earth

It has been three days since Boboiboy defeated the evil Retak'ka. The gang was given a few days off before going on another mission to recover from the greatest battle in history. TAPOPS station had been destroyed and is currently still in its rebuilding stages on Earth. Boboiboy and the gang have already finished their healing process and are ready for new missions.

The gang is currently at Tok Aba's Kokotiam, with Boboiboy serving drinks to the customers and Ochobot making the drinks. "I'm enjoying this vacation after the whole Retak'ka thing, don't you guys think so too? I mean I can relax and drink Tok Aba's special iced chocolate every day!" A big-sized boy in green with a red headband on his head exclaimed, immediately sipping on Tok Aba's special iced chocolate drink after speaking his mind.

"Yeah, Gopal's not wrong, I guess we could take a break from all the superhero and saving for a while," the girl with a blue and yellow beanie agreed with the said latter. The girl with a pink hijab just hummed in reply.

"Well, I think the person who deserves this break the most is Boboiboy but I guess he still does have to help Tok Aba with the shop"

Upon hearing his name in their conversation, the said person turned to face them. "Hey, I heard my name, were you guys talking about me?" Boboiboy, who is wearing the orange dino hat eyed Gopal, Ying, Yaya and Fang suspiciously.

"Oh, we were just saying that you really should be resting after the whole incident because you are the one who had the most injuries--"

"Don't worry guys, I'm fine--"

"FINE?? YOU WOULD HAVE DROWNED IF WE DIDN'T SAVE YOU!" Gopal cut Boboiboy's explanation before he could say another word. Everyone jerked backwards hearing the loud outburst from Gopal. The boy with dark-blue spikey hair, named Fang, could only sigh at Gopal's child-like behavior.

"Sheesh Gopal, you really want to tell the whole world that I nearly drowned right?" Boboiboy sarcastically said, rolling his eyes.

"Hehe, sorry" Gopal scratched his head in embarrassment.


In Laskar Station

"Thank you, Admiral Amato, for accepting the request to train these fellow cadets and lance corporals." A short green square-headed alien said, doing the classic TAPOPS salute.

"It is my pleasure to help these new recruits, Commander Kokochi," the said humanoid person dressed in a red metallic armor suit replied calmly as he gave the green alien a smile.

"I will be sending them to Laskar Station immediately, they should be arriving in a few hours with the full speed of the MYS Kebenaran Spaceship," the green alien, now identified as Commander Kokochi, updated Admiral Amato on the recruits' statuses. Admiral Amato could only give a nod of understanding while Commander Kokochi gets busy typing on a keyboard below the screen he was using to contact Admiral Amato.


Back on Earth

"Another special iced chocolate drink please, Boboiboy," Gopal requested, giving the puppy-eyes to the said boy.

"But Gopal...you already had 4 of those drinks..." Ushering his right hand to the 4 empty cups that were finished by Gopal.

"Hehe, please? Just one more" Gopal pleaded, now on his knees. Boboiboy, Ying, Yaya, Fang and Ochobot could only sweat-drop at his behavior. Before anyone made another sound, a hologram of Commander Kokochi appeared on Boboiboy's watch. 


In the MYS Kebenaran Spaceship

"Urghhh, why do we have to go to Laskar Station again?" Gopal groaned while sitting uncomfortably in his seat.

"Didn't you hear what Commander said?" Ochobot, the yellow-like floating sphere with blue digital eyes replied, without taking a single glance to the whiny kid on board.

"I know, I know, but why?" Gopal whined.

"Eishh Gopal! Can't you just keep quiet for a while?" Shadows started to rise from the ground beside Gopal, causing him to shiver and run to Boboiboy for cover.

"Eekkkk! Help me Boboiboy! Huhuhu..."

"Oh dear, this is going to be a long ride for justice" A man, probably in his 30s wearing a red cape on his shoulders and a belt with the 'P' logo on it, sighed dramatically.


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