Chapter 4

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Niki was wondering in the forest, talking to XD. 'You know this is the forest where me and Dream first met you right?' Yes. But sadly he has forgotten about me. He has probably forgotten about you too. 'I thought we would come there. Actually I made him forget about you. And please stop speaking in my head. I'd like to see you too, you know?' Fine.

A shimmering light came in front of Niki and a masked man wearing white and green robes appeared. He looked exactly like Dream, except for the fact that his mask had and XD on it. 'Hello, my dear.' 'DONT STAND THERE CALLING ME A 'DEAR' WHILE DREAM HAD TO GO THROUGH ALL OF THAT JUST FOR ONE TASK!' 'Alright. I understand why you're upset. I mean, who wouldn't be seeing their sibling under that pressure.' 'Don't you dare give me that 'sibling' cliche.'  'Alright. But how did you make him forget? Hmm?' 'Why should you know?'

XD grinned. 'I knew it. I always knew you had a power inside you. Now it's only a matter of time before Dream shows his. Oh, such fun!' He jumped up in the air, doing a somersault with a smile on his face. Niki rolled his eyes. 'Oh, shut up. I came here for a reason.' 'Well, what is it?' 'Do you have anything, anything at all, to do with Dream's recent behaviour?' 'Ah. I see. You are worried about him. Well, you should ask that to his friends, or lately, ex- friends, for I have nothing to do with it.' He said, clapping his hands.

'Fine. But if I sense you anywhere near him, I will kill you.' 'Alright. Goodbye, dear Niki.' Niki walked away from the forest, wondering what he meant by 'ex-friends'.

Right, um. About this chapter sorry if it was cringe which it was. And ye, they are siblings bye 😊

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