Chapter 1

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Today was the day. Some were happy that Dream was going to be released. Some were nervous. Some were angry that he was going to be out.

'Do we have to let him out?' 'Yes Tommy, we have to. Besides, it's not like anyone visited him in there. You had Dream. You could have returned the favour.' 'But Wilbur, that bastard did some bad shit to all of us.' 'Tommy, so did you. Hell, all of us did something bad.' 'Fine. But if he comes back to hurting anyone on this server, I will personally come after him myself.'


13th September, 2021. Time, 12:32 pm.

Everyone gathered around the prison. Some were holding swords, ready to attack if anything went wrong. Some were holding gifts to welcome him back into society. But what came shocked all of them. The masked man was wearing a black hoodie. His dirty-blonde hair had streaks of black and grey in them. His mask was black with a white smiley face on. Everything about him seemed different. Puffy was close to tears. 'My duckling. No, this can't be happening- No, no, NO!' Tears streamed out her eyes.

Sapnap and Tommy were unmoved by the sight.( Of course they were those self-preserving son of a bitch bastards-) Infact, they looked like they were going to kill him. Bad was shocked at their actions that he glared at them and got his axe.( Ok there's a reason why techno was so scared of him now-) 'Dream?' asked the reasonable Quackity.

"Dream" flinched at the name. He didn't want to be called that. That reminded him of the things he did. The things he didn't want to do but did. 'He doesn't like being called that. He likes being called Shadow ' Said Karl.

'Well there's only one way to see if he's changed.' 'And what's that, George?' 'His eye color. It changes. Shadow, you wouldn't mind if you took your mask off for a while, would you?' ( I swear Goerge is the only sensible person here) ' Sure.' He took off his mask. Tommy dropped his sword. Scars were all over his face. Some of them fresh, while some of them were a month old. His eyes were, well, unique. He had dark grey eyes, and unlike his bright and shining emerald eyes, were dull and showed no emotion other than sadness.

Niki was saddened.(Yes there's Niki I forgot her kill me for the sins I have made) She thought this wouldn't happen. She was the one who was with dream when he made that deal. She knew everything that they said.


Dream and Niki were in the forest, looking for food. Niki was picking fruits, while Dream was hunting the animals. All of a sudden, some guy in a robe came across them. Their swords were at the ready when he raised his hands. 'Relax, I'm not here to hurt you. I just wanna talk.' Dream, being sensible, replied back, 'No, you're not. Everyone who says that always does that. Niki, being older, calmed him down a bit. 'Relax, Dream. I know he won't. Trust me on this. Anyways, who are you?'

'My name is XD. DreamXD.'


Sooooo........ sorry. Idk HOW i forgot about Niki like literally it just hit me. A few chapters later I will do another info page ok. 

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