First day,New Friends

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Thinking=(whatevertheyare thinking)

MAX pov


Max:Coming Sir!
I rush down the stairs as fast as i could so i wouldnt anger my father more by taking to long he doesnt even have the right to be called a father

"Yes sir?"


"W-why werw are we go-"before i could finish my sentance my father kicked me to the ground



My father countiued to beat me for 'Disrespecting'him but all i could think of is what he said to me useless?
Max's mind:
(Am i really that u-useless?)
He stoped beating me and again shouted in my face to pack. I limped up the stairs and got my bag i dobt have much all i have is 2 of the same hoodie and jeans and some bandages and 2 pocket knifes and ofcourse mister honeynute
I pack it all in the bag after badaging my beat up body and went back down stairs

Max's Dad:What the HELL took you so long!

Max's dad raised his hand to hit max but then a noise was heared from outside a horn from a car or something.
Max's pov:
I look out the window to see a bus i then looked at my father and he looked happier then ever before

Max's Dad:Finally i can get rid of you for awhile!
Your going to some shit camp camp place fir the rest of the summer!

All i did was look down (is he really that exicited to get rid of me?)
Next thing i knew i was being pushed out the door and it slamed behind me i walked towords the bus head down i steped one and didnt revert my eyes from the floor i just walked to the back and found a plaze to sit

*5 hours later the bus arives at rhe camp*

Neil Pov: (finally that was the longest bus ride ev-)m thought were intrupted by light snores coming from the person behind me"huh?" I got up out of my seat and went to were the noise was coming from there i see a small boy with tan skin cute fluffy hair"hes adorable..."i say under my breath(WAIT WHAT DID I JUST SAY ugh neavermind hopefully no one hearer that"wait is he the one makinv those soft snores?" I should wake him since were at the camp

I gentaly shake the smaller boy but he wouldnt wake up he just made some small noises

Quartermaster:Every one of my Bus!

Niel:i shake him somemore her still wouldnt wae up and everyone but us and the driver were already off the bus
"I'll just carry him..."
I pick up the smaller boy and made my way off the bus when we were of the bus i placed him down leaning on a tree i noticed he had bags under his eyes as i was looking at him i thougt i saw something on the side of his neck "wha-"
Before i could say anyting a tall man with rad hair grabed my shoulder and turned me to look at him

David:HELLO WELCOME TO CAMP CAMBELL! Im david and i'll be your camp counsiler this summer!

Neil:oh ok im ni-

David:You must be neil!

Niel:(he wont even let me talk)

David:hey who is that behind you?

Niel:oh i do-

David:*GASP* my campers are already making friends!

Niel:wait i dont even kn-

David:Dont worry Niel you and your friend csn share a tent for the summer since were down one anyway!

David then turns around and walks away

Neil Pov

(He wouldnt even let me talk he is really energetic...and now im stuck sharing a tent with this boy whats his name anyway?)


Neil:"oh your awake?"

Max:"ye-wait who the hell are you and how the fuck did i get here wasent i on that shitty bus?

Neil:(he sure swears alot)"oh well to answer your firsr question im niel!and to answer your second question i carried you of the bus cause everyone was getting off i tried to wake you but you wouldnt wake up so ye..."

Max:"whatever thanks i guess"i say while rolling my eyes

Neil:"btw were up tent mates for the summer!


am i really that usless?(neil x max)Where stories live. Discover now