not that bad...

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Max:whatever /i walk out the door and towards the last cabin since thats apparently my home for the summer that i ha e to share with some kid i dont knkw greatttt

Neil:/im following max to the cabin he didnt seem to happy about having to share with me which im not gonna lie hurts me a bit but i dont understand why we reach the cabin and go inside its actully a nice looking cabin which makes sense cuz this place recently came into alot of money for some reason

Max:what bed you want?


Max:I SAID PICK A BED NERD!/i yell getting annoyed/

Neil:oh um i dont really mind

Max:ok then you take the on closer the the door then i guess

Neil:ye sure
/i place my suitcase on my bed and start unpacking my things into draws that seperate me and max's bed/
I glance up to see all max has is a small backpack (that's all he brought to ladt the entire summer?)

Neil:Did you not have time to pack everything?


Neil:/i point to his bag/
Unless that bag is like hermiones i dont think you can fit alot in it.

Max:oh! Ye camp was last minute...(thats technically not a lie it was sudden...but this is all i own)

Neil:that sucks- not to sound rude tho!!

Max:your fine

Neil:oh ok if you ever need a change of clothes or something you can borrow some of mine /i say smilling at him/

Max:i'll keep that in mind thx(maybe he isnt that bad...)

Authors note:sorry it took so ling to get a new chapter out 😅

am i really that usless?(neil x max)Where stories live. Discover now