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Neil's POV 

Max~eh you get used to the forgotten part|~

Neil:~you have experience?~I asked a little concerned

Max just went quite before changing the topic

~we should try and find our way back. Do you remember what direction we came in?~

~um ye I think so~

~lead the way~max said while walking to my side

We both Started to make our way back before we started to hear thunder and lightning and it began to rain max immediately froze up when he heard it and when it struck again he latched into my arm

~hey hey it's okay max calm down..~ I said while hugging him
I looked around to see if there was anywhere to take shelter when I saw a cave

~hey max there is a little cave over there let's take shelter ok?~

Max just nodded his head and I began to lead us to the cave
When we got inside max still stayed locked on to my arm
You could still hear the lightning and thunder.

We both sat down and were just silent after awhile I turned to look at max
~hey max?~

~hm?~max replied turning to look at me

~why are you so afraid of storms?and lightning and thunder I think I should know since we will be living together all summer and I might be able to help better~

Max stayed silent for a moment before speaking

~Fine.... I don't like storms for a personal reason and I'm not afraid of the lightning and thunder it's what they do I don't like.~max said looking away from me

~what do you mean by what they do?~i said

~the noise. I don't like loud noises even tho I'm pretty loud myself~

~why don't u like loud noises?~i asked and I could of sworn I saw him tearing up

~its none of your business ok?can u just drop it!~he said while swiftly wiping his tears with his shoulder

~ok sorry for pushing you~

~its fine~

After that it was starting to get late so we decided to stay the night in the cave

~night max~

~goodnight neil~


I haven't updated this story in ages sorry for that guys! Anyway hope you enjoyed and I will try to keep updating ❤️💗

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2022 ⏰

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