Lost in the woods

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After breakfast everyone is still in the mess hall/

David:~Alrighty! Now that everyone has had a nutrious meal it's time for today's Activity!!~

Max:~I already have a headache camp man I don't need out adding to it!just tell us the first stupid activity so we can get it fucking over with!~

David:~language. Anyway today we will be taking a good old nature walk! Now before we go pick a partner to stay with cause we don't want any of or wonderful campers getting lost now do we!~

While everyone was pairing off I tapped max on the shoulder 

Max:~need something Neil?~

Neil:~ye you wanna be partners?~

Max:~eh sure your the only person here I get along with anyway ~

David:~Okay campers now that everyone has a parthner let's get going!~

2 hours into the walk

Me and max were walking behind everyone else who were all  starting to complain about how long we were walking I heard a thud next to me and looked over to see max face first in the dirt

Neil:~Max!? Are u ok are you hurt at all?~I say as I walk back to him 

Max:~I-I'm fine just got a little light headed~

Neil:~here let me help you up~ I say as a stretch my hand out. He takes my hand and I pull him up while he is whining his face I look behind us but the group was gone realising I was still holding Max's hand I dragged him back to the group so we wouldn't get lost

Max:~w-whoa jeez~

Neil:~sorry but if we don't hurry we will get lost~ we made it back to the group and countinued walking for another 2 hours until we finally reached our destination 

Max:~Are you FUCKING serious!~

The destination was a random tree on a hill

Max:~you had us all walk 4 hours to see a god damn tree!?~

David:~yep! Now let's rest before walking back!~


Neil:~forget it max let's just walk about~


Me and max walked a bit away from the group and by the time we got back no one was there 

Max:~great now we're lost~

Neil:~and forgotten that kinda hurts~

Max:~eh you get used to the forgotten part eventually 

am i really that usless?(neil x max)Where stories live. Discover now