
160 3 0

Max pov

Eghh-(its warm....) i went to hug mister honeynuts cause i was on top of him

(He feels bigger then before but more comfortable....) i feel what i thought was mister honeynuts move slitly which caught me of gaurd and i shot up out of my comfort

(W-why was i sleeping wit-ON NEIL?!?!)
I feel the heat rush to my face as i look down on the taller male

I shake  my head almost violentlyand look over at the clock on the wall

(It's only 3:00 am.....i should go to my bed go to sleep and pretend this neav-)
My thoughts were intrupted by neil moving slightly i realise im still on top of him so i move to get off of him and his bed

Out of nowhere i felt him grab me and pull me down into a huh'What the hel-' i was cut off again by neil

Neil:'shhh s-sleep.....

I couldbt see my face but i knew i was redder then  a tomato i tried to get out of the sleepinng boys grip

'He is stronger then he looks'i whisper to my self

(Im really tiered.....i-i'll judt close my eyes just for a s-sec.....)

am i really that usless?(neil x max)Where stories live. Discover now