First day of activity's

131 3 2

Neil POV

I began to wake up when I felt a weight on me I look down to see max hugging me and sleeping 

- cute...-I thought. I payed down for another few minutes before getting up.

I got up carefully so I wouldn't wake up max and then went to get changed. Once I was changed and ready for the day I woke up max


I felt someone lightly shaking me and my eyes start to open ~Neil..?~ 

~Morning max. You should get up and dressed it's nearly time for breakfast~

~o-oh ok...~

I get up and walked over to where I had packed away my clothes and took out my classic black trousers and blue hoodie.I walk into the bathroom to get changed and when i came out Neil was waiting for me by the doo.

~you ready to go to the mess hall max?~

~ye ye lets just go already~

We walked out of our cabin and towards the mess hall. When we entered the mess hall we walked to a empty table and sat down together 

<what's with this guy....why is he being so nice to me when I am a asshole to everyone...>






~oh sorry max! You started staring into space I just wanted to ask if you were hungry cause I'm going to get a tray I can get yours as well if you want~

I blush a small bit but not noticeable ~y-ye thanks~<Did I just f*'#%ng stutter!?!>

~ok be right back~

(Sorry for the short chapter)

am i really that usless?(neil x max)Where stories live. Discover now