1. You Have to Let Go - TUA

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Post season 2 - No Sparrow Academy 

Warning: This is my very first TUA fanfic ever, so the characters will likely be OOC while I get used to writing them. I like comments and friendly criticism, but please no judgemental or mean things about my writing. Thank you! Enjoy! :)

(I'm also writing this at 2:00 in the morning, so I apologize if it's just general trash. But hopefully it'll at least be presentable trash :p)


'Stupid rain,' Five thought bitterly as he made his way home. He was too exhausted to just jump, so he was stuck walking in the freezing cold, wet weather.

He furiously rubbed his hands together in an attempt to keep them somewhat warm. It wasn't working very well. 

He just wanted to get home, but the stupid robbers and the stupid rain drained all his energy and so now he was in his bitter predicament. Five kicked a rock and sent it flying ahead of him. The stone tumbled onto a path he had long forgotten about.

It was a shortcut to the Hargreeves house. It led to the garden out back and they had often used it to sneak out as children.

It was rather precarious on a good day, so it would no doubt be even more treacherous in the rain, but... it would cut the walk down by ten minutes. 

Five frowned hard at the path. 

Letting out a heavy sigh, he started down the muddy path. 

"This is ridiculous," Five grumbled to himself, "Why would anyone in their right mind be out in this weather. I should've just stayed at a motel. Honestly."

His foot slipped slightly on a narrower part of the passage, and Five let out an involuntary gasp as he momentarily became weightless, flailing his arms to regain his balance. 

'Watch your feet Five,' the little voice in his head that sounded like Delores said. 

"Yeah yeah," he mumbled, "wouldn't want to accidentally fall to my death."

Later, Five would think he really shouldn't have tempted fate like he did. He knew better than to do that. But hey, hindsight is a bitch.

Five reached to rickety, barely standing, slippery and swaying in the wind bridge that provided passage over the miniature ravine. It was about a 20 foot drop, but the bigger problem was the rushing water below that was filled with wonderfully jagged rocks. 

Five looked at the bridge, 'could it even be called that anymore?' he wondered, with disdain. Everything in him screamed that this was a bad idea, but he was over halfway now and he was only two minutes from home once he crossed. 

So with a heavy sigh, Five wiped his sopping hair out of his face, and cautiously maneuvered onto the wannabe bridge. 

He was nearly there, only a third left to go, when his aching feet decided to fail him. A strong gust of wind shook the bridge unexpectedly, causing him to lose his balance and tumble over the edge.

Five cried out as he fell and latched onto a loose piece of rope with all his strength. It slid through his hands giving the freezing appendages some nasty rope burn, but Five held tight.

"Help!" Five yelled, rain spilling down his face. 

He was so cold. 

So tired.

"Help!" he called again, "Vanya! Diego! Allison! Anyone!"

Shivers racked Five's small frame.

"Help!" he hollered again. He didn't have much hope of rescue because who would possibly be out in this weather?


'Oh' Five thought with a small, tired smile, 'Of course Klaus would be out in this weather.' 

"Klaus! Over here!" Five yelled over the wind.

Another burst of wind rocked the bridge. Five slipped farther down the rope. He let out a his of pain. The rope burn was so not helping him stay attached. Or the violent shivers. Or the rain. Or the wind. It was like the world was extra against him that day. 

Klaus came running over, halting briefly at the bridge. "Hold on Five!" 

He hardly put one foot on the bridge when Five called out, "Don't! You'll fall too!"

Klaus crossed his arms over his rather extravagant raincoat, "Five, how am I supposed to save you if I can't come on the bridge?"

Good point. 

Five let out another small gasp as his grip slackened and he slipped a little more. That was all it took to prompt Klaus onto the bridge, inching his way towards Five as fast as he could. 

Once Klaus was in arms reach, he clasped his hands around his brother's slippery arm. "I got you Five," he grunted, heaving Five up. Thank Vietnam for muscles. He hauled Five up over the edge and dragged them quickly but carefully back to solid ground. 

"I can't believe you tried to trek that in the rain Fivey," Klaus said, holding onto Five, who was shivering violently, eyes drifting open and shut in long blinks. "Let's get you home."

Five gripped his brother's arm like a lifeline, even upon entering the house. Klaus prompted him into the living room where a large fire was roaring. (A/N- Look I honestly can't think of the layout of the house so we're gonna go with it yeah? Yeah.) "Five I'll get you some hot chocolate and big, fluffy blankets, but you have to let go of me buddy."

Five's fingers were so stiff from the cold that it took Klaus prying them open to get them off. Quickly, he threw the biggest, fluffiest blankets they owned over top of the smaller boy, who sank into them with a pleased sigh. 

Five was out like a light.

Klaus smiled, "I'll make us hot cocoa when you wake up."


A/N- Like I said at the start of the chapter, this is my very first Umbrella Academy fic ever. I hope y'all liked it, I should get better at it as time moves along, so stick with me?

Thanks for reading. I'll get more caught up today, pinky promise.

Love y'all! :)

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