14. Under Pressure - Flash

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Pre lightning


Barry was not a good swimmer. 

He did not even like swimming all that much.

But somehow, Iris had roped him into scuba diving of all things. 

Scuba Diving.

And quite frankly, Barry was hating it.

Don't get him wrong, the fish and sea life were very fascinating and beautiful, but it couldn't quite quench the panic he felt at being submerged so far under water. 

But alas, he wasn't about to spoil Iris's fun. She had been wanting to go scuba diving since they were kids and he wasn't about to ruin that for her. 

He was just wishing their two hours under water would go by faster. 

Barry was pulled from his thoughts when Iris tapped his arm and pointed to an underwater cave. 

Oh no. 

Iris waved a hand for him to follow and Barry shook his head. He could list numerous terrible outcomes to going in there. Numerous. 

But Iris simply rolled her eyes and swam towards the cave, knowing that there was no way Barry would let her go in alone. 

She was right of course. 

Barry grit his teeth and swam after her.

The whole time, his mind was screaming bad idea! Bad idea! Bad idea! But his loyalty to his sister and need to keep her safe if something did go wrong drowned out the voice. 

The cave was cool. 

It wasn't anything spectacular, mostly rock and coral, but it was still very neat and had a few cool sea creatures. They even saw an octopus wandering around. Barry glanced at the tool that read how deep they were going and stopped swimming. He quickly tapped Iris's shoulder and pointed to her pressure gage. (I have very little clue what I'm talking about but you know what whatever) 

She nodded in understanding and started swimming back towards the cave entrance. 

That's when Barry felt a deep rumble and looked down to see a geyser quaking. He shoved Iris away just as the thing erupted, sending Barry flying towards the back of the cave. 

He probably flew a good 70 ft, the current propelling him backwards and downwards. After a moment of shaking his head to try and clear the dizziness, Barry swam back to the entrance. 

Iris was at the entrance, swimming towards him. She hugged him, clanking their gear together. 

He was pretty sure they were done now. He sure hoped they were at least.    

The pair swam back to the surface, and Barry felt rather sick the whole time. His head was spinning terribly and his thoughts felt muggy and jumbled. He just took it as being overwhelmed from the sudden turn of events. 

Stripping off his suit and gear proved to be taxing, and Barry ached horribly. Iris didn't seem to be having trouble, but she didn't get knocked back by a geyser. 

As much as he tried to hide it though, Iris picked up in his condition.

"Barry are you okay? What's wrong? And don't say nothing because we both know it's not." Iris questioned rapidly.

Barry opened his mouth to answer, but the pounding in his head kept him from doing so and he let out a groan instead and crumpled to the ground. 

Iris frowned hard and put an arm under Barry, "How hard did that geyser hit you? How far back did you go? I didn't think it was very far since you didn't take too long to swim back."

"Dunno," Barry mumbled, "I can't feel my arms. Or my legs."

Iris muttered a curse under her breath, "Thank you for giving me your annoying safety shpeel due to your hatred for swimming." She started dialing 911 on her phone, "You dummy."

"911 what's your emergency?"

"My friend and I were diving and there was an incident. I think he has that bubble sickness. The pressure one? Bends! That's it. I think my brother has bends and he's not looking to good."

"Alright where are you at? We'll send an ambulance."

"Northside Docks."

(Roll with it. You know I don't know what I'm doing.)

They hung up and Iris slowly lowered Barry to the ground.

"You dummy." She mumbled, "What are we going to do with you?"


A/N- So I'm getting there. Sorry for taking so long, but I'm trying and I'm getting there.  

Thank's for your patience. 

Love y'all! :)

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