3. Taunting - Merlin

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People get too rough physically and verbally while Merlin is in the stocks yet again


Merlin winced as another vegetable hit his head. He was quite certain that rotten fruit was not supposed to hurt that much. And they were throwing potatoes which was so not cool.

Potatoes hurt.

For whatever reason, there were very few children who Merlin had no problem entertaining. Instead there were many adults who seemed to have something against Merlin.

Because their words hurt more than the potatoes they threw.

Well... That was arguably false, but by now Merlin had a concussion and was too confused to comprehend the pain his magic was trying to block. His magic couldn't block words unfortunately. 

"You're so useless," one large, gruff man said, he seemed to enjoy torturing Merlin the most, "How many times have been thrown in the stocks? I've lost count. It's a wonder the prince doesn't sack you, you waste of space."

Merlin wished he'd stop.

"You're probably going to get the prince killed with your idiocy and clumsiness."

Shouts of agreement were heard from the crowd. More cruel words were thrown at him along with fruit and potatoes.

Merlin really tried to ignore the words, but they played on his own insecurities, which made it ten times worse.

Because he believed them.

He knew that he wasn't good enough. He knew he would ultimately cause Arthur's downfall. He knew he was clumsy and useless.

A lone tear slipped down his cheek.

"What the hell is going on here?!" A strong voice shouted over the insults.

Merlin knew that voice, but at the moment his concussed brain couldn't think of who it belonged to.

There was angry shouting from the familiar voice, and then it was speaking softly next to him as he was released from the stocks.

Merlin looked up at his savior and saw Arthur's familiar blue eyes and blond hair.

"Come on Merlin," He said, "Let's get you to Gaius."

Arthur looked at his battered manservant as he quietly let Arthur lead him to the physician. He had quite a few bumps on the top of his head, and many bruises on his face from potatoes and fruit that was thrown unnecessarily hard.

And if that hadn't infuriated Arthur enough, he had heard almost all of what the gruff man had said. 

"You know you're not useless, right Merlin?" Arthur asked.

Merlin didn't respond and Arthur wasn't sure if it was from the concussion or him simply not wanting to answer.

"I know I give you a hard time, but it's really all in jest."

Merlin shook his head, wincing in the process, "No 'e's righ'," Merlin slurred, "'m useless an' 'm a waste of space."

"No you're not." Arthur insisted. He bit his lip, "You're my friend."

Merlin's eyes brightened.

Arthur noticed and smiled softly to himself, "You're my friend as much as I try to deny it. Somehow you've worked your way into my affection and you're too stubborn to go away. I'm glad you don't actually. I don't know what I'd do without you Merlin. You're the only person who treats me like just a person and, as much as it drives me bonkers sometimes, I need it."

"Yeah ya do," Merlin grinned lightly.

Arthur laughed, "I know you're my friend because you like me for me. Not because I'm royalty."

Merlin chortled, slightly delirious, "I'd prob'ly like you better if you weren' royal'y a' all."

Arthur smiled again, slightly pained though as Merlin's slurring seemed to get worse. He pushed open the door to Gaius, and put him on the cot while Gaius shuffled around angrily. 

Merlin, recognizing the familiar safety of his home, let his eyes flutter shut. 

"You'll be alright Merlin," Arthur whispered. 

He paused, "But if you ever tell anyone what I said you'll be mucking out the stables for a month."

Merlin slipped into unconsciousness with a smile on his face.


A/N- And here's a Merlin one, yay. I was super busy again today and didn't get to write as much as I thought I would. But no worries! I'll get caught up soon. At the very least before October is over ;)

Love y'all! :)

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