1. Bound - Flash

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Barry shifted uncomfortably as his eyes fluttered open. Something hard was digging into his shoulder blades as well as his mid calves. His hands were pressed into his back and something coarse was wound around him. 

For a moment all he could think was that he shifted strangely in his sleep and dam him. 

But when his vision met the grey clouds predicted for that afternoon rather than his boring plaster apartment ceiling, he knew something wasn't right.

He knew something was wrong when a pounding in his head, that felt similar to the effects of a hangover but Barry knew to be the effects of coming back to consciousness after being knocked out, started.

He knew something was really wrong when the coarse stuff he thought to be his scratchy sheets cut into him painfully. 

Shifting again, Barry gasped when whatever sharp coil was around him sliced again and the hard thing dug further into his skin. Barry grit his teeth and turned his head to the side. 

"Oh shit," He said.

He looked back towards the grey sky just when the clouds decided it would be a good time to open up. Barry blinked rapidly as rain sprinkled on his face irritatingly. 

"You have got to be kidding me." Barry muttered. 

"Come on!" He yelled as he tried against his restraints. He immediately regretted it. And very quickly he realized that the coil that was wrapped around him had spines poking out of it. 

He was bound in barbed wire, laying on train tracks.


If you asked Barry, the wort part? The worst part was not remembering how he came to be in this situation. 

The last thing he remembered was heading home from Joe's and, he had thought he collapsed into his bed, but he thinks his bed might've been the street. 

Barry swore colorfully, a few stubborn tears slipping down his face. 

Out of everything, Barry noted, his hands and back hurt the worst. Being squashed by his body with barbed wire digging into his flesh every time he breathed. 

"Which I probably won't be doing for much longer anyway," he thought bitterly. 

Silence rang all around him, and Barry amended what he thought was the worst part. 

The worst part was being entirely alone. They may not even know he was missing, and he'd die here, painfully, all alone. 

He couldn't stop the sob that escaped now. Not that it mattered, there wasn't anyone around to hear him cry.

His salty tears mixed with the rain that pattered down. Barry coughed painfully as rain fell into his mouth and nose.

Barry tried again to find a loose part in his binds, but froze when he did feel something.

It was so slight he wasn't sure it was even there.

But it was.

The tracks beneath him had started to vibrate.

Barry swore and put more effort into his futile escape. All he received for his efforts was more cuts.

In a last attempt he cried out, "Help!"

"Please! Please." He sobbed.


Barry's eyes bulged, "Over here! Help!"

Footsteps thumped over and a lumbering man stood over Barry.

"Holy shit kid!" He said.

He pulled out a pocket knife and started cutting at the wires.

The tracks rumbled harder.

The man worked faster, muttering colorful curses under his breath. He was nearly finished.

A bright beam cut through the rain.

Barry couldn't help but think at least he wasn't alone after all.

A final snap and Barry was roughly yanked off the tracks, just a moment before the train passed.

Barry sobbed in relief, clinging to his rescuer, who, with slight awkwardness, patted his back.

"Alright kid," he said, "let's get you to a hospital."

Barry felt himself be gently place in a car, and was thankful to finally get out of the rain. A blanket was draped over him and heaters started warming up the car.

Between the feeling of safety, warmth, and lack of adrenaline, Barry was asleep in seconds.

His last thought before he drifted off was that he was never going to take a train ever again.


A/N - Happy Whumptober y'all!!

I know my first chapter is late.I nearly had it finished yesterday, but I accidentally fell asleep.

But hey that means y'all get "bonus" chapters to look forward to.

(Oh btw I will have more than one fandom in this if you couldn't tell by the cover and I'll do as many as I can each day)

Love y'all! :)

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