10. Hospital - Flash

397 16 36

Pre lightning (shocking I know) ;)


Beep beep beep.

"We need to make sure the room is secure."

Beep beep beep.

"On it."

Beep beep beep.

"Alright Allen, time for you to wake up. We need to find out what happened. But you're the only person who was there."

Beep beep beep.

"Come on kid."

With a lot of effort, Barry peeled open his eyes.

Singh wasn't quite successful at hiding his relief.

"Wha' 'app'n'd" Barry slurred.

Singh frowned, "I was hoping you could tell me. I get a frantic call from your neighbor at two in the morning since you apparently don't have a lock on your phone. She heard some loud noises and got concerned. By the time she got over there you were unconscious and bleeding out profusely. She said it looked like there was a fight and clearly you didn't win."

Some recolection flashed in Barry's eyes. "Oh yeah. I was makin' dinner and then these three guys came outta nowhere. I didn't get a good look at 'em, but one of them was named... Francis I think. I don' know."

"Thanks," Singh said softly, "we can go from there."

Barry smiled softly, eyes drooping.

"Go back to sleep." Singh said.

Barry's eyes slid shut.

"Dam kid you make me worry too much."

***** LINE BREAK *****

Singh's heart dropped to his feet as he looked at his computer screen.

Barry had given him a name, and Singh cross refrenced it with anything and everything he could. And when he found his culprits' identities, he practically sprinted to his car to get back to the hospital. He dialed Joe and threw him on speaker as he sped through the streets.


"Joe get to Barry now. I figured out who came after him and he's in serious danger. I'm on route to the hospital now."


"The JaunLuc's. Francis, Louis, and Nicole JaunLuc."

"The French drug dealers we stopped a month ago?"

"The ones Allen helped us stop."

Joe cursed on the other end of the phone.

"Go." Singh said, hanging up.

Singh stepped on the pedal harder, "Please don't be too late," he mumbled.

***** LINE BREAK *****

Singh burst into the hospital that was crawling with cops. Making it to Barry's room in record time, he prayed that they hadn't been too late.

When his eyes landed on Barry and all the doctors rushing around him, he thought he might be sick.

So much for hospitals being safe.

If he thought Barry had looked bad before... that paled in comparrison.

"What happened?" Singh demanded, grabbing the arm of a nurse who wasn't doing much at the moment. He flashed his badge when she hesitated.

"Three people disguised themselves and broke in. They knocked out the gaurds and administered a beating to Mr. Allen as well as a drug we are trying to identify. More cops showed up and scared them off, but as you can see they did quite the number. And we don't know what they put in his system so we can't give him anything and..."

"And what?"

The nurse swallowed, "And we're losing him."

***** LINE BREAK *****

Beep beep beep.

"Come on Barry, come back."

Beep beep beep.

"You can't leave yet. Not yet."

Beep beep beep.

"I swear Barry Allen if you die..."

Beep beep beep.

"Just don't die."

Beep beep.




"Someone help!"

***** LINE BREAK *****

Beep beep beep.

"I specifically told you not to die."

Beep beep beep.

"Maybe I didn't make it clear enough."

Beep beep beep.

"You may not die. You do not have permission to die. If you die you're fired."

"I din think tha' was how i' work'd"

A smile lit up Singh's face, "Barry!"

"You call'd me by my firs' name," Barry grinned drowsily.

"Don't get used to it." Singh said, a laugh bubbling out of him.

Barry smiled, "Imma sleep now."

Singh smiled, "I'll be here when you wake up."


A/N- Ok this turned out better than I thought it would. So yay.

And look I'm almost caught up.

Love y'all! :)

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