5. I've Got Red In My Ledger - Flash

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AU where Barry is a an assassin. 

Just so y'all know I don't like this one and I didn't really have any motivation for it so I sorta just wrote whatever came to my brain. Messy brain pudding.

Here's the results. 


Barry knelt over the corpse, carefully "examining" the body.

He didn't need to figure out how the victim died. He already knew. 

In fact, he was the one who did it. 

Don't look at him like that, he had a job to do and he'd be damned if he didn't.  

He just couldn't let the police know about his other job though. 

Besides, it's not like he enjoyed it. 

It was a necessary evil.

And he got paid pretty dam well.

But in spite all that, it always made Barry wince guiltily, internally, when he lied about the cause of death.

Six years of being an assassin and still Barry would wake up with nightmares about the innocents he killed. And the not innocents he killed. He really didn't like killing. He wanted a way out.

When Barry became the Flash, he kept his job as an assassin. 

He gathered all the information he could.

Then he stopped all the assassination attempts.

Every. Single. One.

Caitlin and Cisco asked him about it one day.

"How do you know who's in danger?" Cisco asked, "It's like you have a mental calendar of who needs to be saved and when."

"Well it's a physical calendar actually." Barry corrected.

"How do you know though?" Caitlin asked, "You better not have time traveled."

"No no. I didn't don't worry."

"But then how?" Cisco pressed.

Barry sighed, "Everyone has a past. Including me. I'm just trying to make right some of what I made wrong."

"But... what could you have possibly done?" Caitlin asked.

Barry smiled sadly, "Let's just say... I've got a lot of red in my ledger."


A/N- Yes I know it's trash. But that's ok. Don't like it don't vote I don't care I did warn you at the beginning. 

Next one's better.

Love y'all! :)

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