Chapter 1. Schools out.

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(Your POV)

June 1989

It was finally the last day of school, thank god. The bell seemed like it would never ring, I could travel to china and back and still be on time for the bell to ring.

It gave me time to think about 100 different things, while ignoring the teacher who was droning on, like my brother Eddie Kasprak. Or our psychotic mother, and all the medication she made us take that we really didn't need.

I tried to resist, many times, spit it out, hide it away, throw it out the window, into the quarry, down the toilet, she always found out.

The problem was that Eddie believed her, thinks she knows what's best. He's a total germaphobe because of her and it sucks.

I thought about all my moms stupid rules and all the shit she told us. She was under the impression that a woman should be in the kitchen and married young, woman are objects to serve men. It was all such bullshit.

She made me wear dresses and curl my hair and put on makeup, I hated it, all of it. I started saving up my lunch money so I could buy clothes a little less '1950's housewife'

I kept worrying she would find out I was changing once I left the house, or that she'd find the clothes and burn them or something. Or worse, she'd probably beat me to a pulp.

Normally Eddie would lecture me on stuff like that but I think he knew how much I hated it all, so he kept quiet.

I knew my mom was full of shit, with the meds and the clothes and all her crazy beliefs. And as much as I hate to admit it, a small, very tiny part of me believes it.

I felt guilty for believing her so I stopped thinking about it.

Eddie and I have the same friend group. Mostly because I didn't really get on with anyone at school, especially the girls at this hellhole. So I ended up just hanging out with him and his friends.

There's Bill Denbrough, he was the first friend Eddie made, he was really brave and quite tall, his brother Georgie went missing last year and he's been looking for him ever since. We're all too scared to say anything but we honestly don't think he'll ever find Georgie. He's changed since the incident, he's quiet and he seems like he's far away, being strangled by his own thoughts, and on top of that his stutter got so much worse.

Then there was Stanley Uris or Stan the man as we sometimes called him, he was the tallest in the group. He was Jewish and his family was really religious, his father owned the synagogue. He was a very quiet, yet opinionated boy. He lived for bird watching, he invited me with some days, while we waited for birds we shared all our secrets and gossiped about this messed up town. He opened up to me a lot and I appreciated it.

And lastly, my best friend, the idiot himself, Richie Tozier. He was a loudmouth who never knew when to shut up, we had that in common. Along with being loud and a complete clown he was one of the nicest people I've ever met. Richie and Eddie were close too but nothing compared to my bond with him. Richie and I told each other absolutely everything and talked about everything. We were basically inseparable.

There was one thing I hadn't told anyone though, I have had a huge crush on Richie for ages, I would never dream of saying anything though. 1. I was sure he didn't like me back, and 2. I could never ruin our friendship, not ever.

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