Chapter 3. The pharmacy.

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(Your pov)

Eddie and Stan rushed to Bens aid as well, we all helped him up and before I knew it we were biking down to the pharmacy. Ben was on the back of bills bike.

"I think it's great that we're helping the new kid, but we also need to think about our own safety. I mean, he's bleeding all over and you guys know that there's an AIDS epidemic happening right now as we speak,right? My mom's friend in New York City got it by touching a dirty pole on the subway. A drop of AIDS blood got into his system through a hangnail, a hangnail! And-and-and you can amputate legs and arms but how do you amputate a waist!?" Eddie ranted so fast you could barely keep up, he took so long to say all of this you were already in the ally by the pharmacy.

"Eddie we'll be okay." I confirmed in an annoyed tone.
"Richie wait here." Bill stated.

Richie gave me a look that said 'please stay'
I hesitated for a moment. He had such a hold over my heart but the others needed my help. I shot him a look that said 'I'm really sorry' and ran after the others.

The minute we got inside Eddie started grabbing a bunch of supplies off the shelves of the pharmacy.

"Can we afford all that?" Bill asked.
"It's all we got." Stan stated as he held up a few crumpled dollars. 

"You kidding me?" Eddie asked.
"Wait you two have an account here don't you?" Bill asked me and Eddie.
We both scoffed.

"That's not happening, if our mom finds out we bought all this stuff for ourselves....Were spending the whole rest of the weekend in the emergency room getting x-rayed." I explained.

Beverly Marsh walked into the aisle we were in and hid a box of tampons behind her back before the boys could see.

I had seen her around school, her locker was next to mine so we had talked a couple times but I didn't really know her that well, she seemed nice. there were similar rumours about her being a slut around school so I sort of had a soft spot for her.

"Y-y-you okay?" Bill asked her

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"Y-y-you okay?" Bill asked her.
"I'm fine, what's wrong with you?" Beverly asked.

"None of your business." Stan answered.
"There's a kid outside looks like someone killed him." I stated casually and shrugged.

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