Part 2

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???: Were you just looking at us?

It was the purple guy, with a Skull bandanna. 

Kiki: How'd you move so fast? But yeah, I just was. W-wait aren't you-

???: Shhh... I don't need those morons to scold me for making people like you discover the s4. Name's Skull by the way, in case you were wondering.

Kiki: I'm Kiki... but I don't know those guys. Who are they?

Skull: So the orange one is Army. We all call him cap'n curry. He's practically the bossy person of the s4. Then the pink dude is Aloha. Be careful, he flirts a lot. The depressed cyan squid is Mask. He doesn't pay attention to anything, just his phone. 

Kiki just nods and looks at her phone. 9:25am, it reads. And 5 texts from her half bro Rider.

1st text: 1v1 later?

2nd text: Kiki where the heck are u aren't u supposed to be at the lobby?

3rd text: Kiki. Help me. Goggles is annoying me.

4th text: Fr, where the heck are u??

5th text: Sister, where are u. If u don't text back I'm calling the police. THIS IS SERIOUS!

Kiki: Well, it was nice meeting you. I gotta go, my brother is worried sick already. I'll.. see you around I guess?

Aloha in the background: Yo Skull! Already trying to flirt with girls~?

Skull(turning around to yell at Aloha): Shut UP you party animal!

Skull(looking at Kiki now): I have to go too. I'm gonna kill this bastard. I'll be seeing you around.

Skull walks away angry at Aloha, and Aloha is just terrified. The s4 argue whether Skull did this on purpose or he's just dumb. By now Kiki is just texting Rider, and Rider yelling at Kiki by text.  Kiki is walking to the lobby, where Rider's waiting impatiently for Kiki, after she accepts the offer to 1v1 her half- brother.

Rider: Where the heck where you?! I was-

Kiki(walking towards Rider): The scolding can wait. Now, who's the s4?

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