Part. 4 Backstories change the heart

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Sarv had finished making supper. Whitty peeked around the corner into the kitchen.

Whitty - Wow Sarv! That smells amazing!

Sarv - Thank you! It's just [insert whatever food you want here] I hope you like it!

Sarv dished out an even amount of food onto three dishes. Sarv, and Whitty sat down at the table, and a couple seconds later Ruv rushed in, grabbed the food, and sped walked back to his room. His door slammed shut. (Ruv never ate at the table even before Whitty began living there.)

Whitty - Hey, now that I'm starting to forgive him....I'm beginning to he....ok? He seems like he's been through some trauma or something....

Sarv - *sigh* I knew you'd ask that eventually..... hopefully this will convince you to forgive him......

Whitty - Are you about to tell me his whole backstory, or something?...

Sarv - .....yes....this is all from what he told me. It's a long story.

Whitty - Ok. I'm curious.

Sarv - Ruv grew up with his large family back in Russia. They were all criminals that would steal, vandalize, and murder anytime they had the chance. Ruv was the youngest, and the least like the rest. He didn't want to be a criminal. They would try to teach him, but he never listened. And every time he DID participate in their criminal activities, he would always mess things up and nearley get them caught. As a result, he was abused by them, and shunned. They would make fun of him, yell at him, and even strike him sometimes. Keep in mind he's about nine, or ten at this time. He made plans over time to run away to the great country America he had heard about. His tolerance for his family was collapsing fast, and one day, he just couldn't take it anymore, and snapped. One by one he took his family out. Anger, and haterid begun to rise in his heart. He shot his three sisters, strangled his two brothers at once, beat his mum to death with a hammer, and pushed his father down the basement stairs, and left him to perish slowly. After the deed was done he felt no remorse, or regret. Suddenly, the friends of his parents entered the house after hearing the commotion, and saw what Ruv had done. Ruv was emotionless as he attempted to attack them as well, but the four big men were overpowering him. They begun to beat him to death, but he soon regained control, and snapped the neck of one guy, beat the other guy's face in with the same hammer he killed his mum with, and basically decapitated the third guy. But the fourth guy was tough. He had a spiked bat, and continuously beat the left side of Ruv's face with it. Ruv gracefully got a hold of the spiked bat, and drop kicked the guy to the ground, and emotionlessly beat the guy to death with it. He didn't stop even after the guy stopped moving, and went silent. Blood stained every inch of the floor, ceiling, and walls, but magically, the only blood on Ruv was in his badly damaged side of his face, and other wounds. Ruv soon grew tired, and backed off. He surveyed what he has just done, and had no reaction to it. Perhaps it was because he was ether in shock, or perhaps because his heart really turned grey that day. He heard police sirens, and decided it was time to go. He ran through the Russian lands, and by the time it was night, he had found a boat. He read the labels of the cargo crates, and felt relieved that some were headed to America. He hid in a hidden area of the ship, and reflected on how fast this all happened. After thinking about it for a while, it eventually sank in. He begun to cry. He had stooped down to the level of his criminal family just to try to escape that life. He realized how serious this was. And now he was headed for a country he knew nothing about. He had lost everything.....he had no more family, (even though he didn't have much family in the first place since.....they were bloody abusive) he had nothing more to live for so he realized he would have to continue the legacy of his criminal family no matter if he wanted to or not. He swore that he would forget them, and become his own self. He also swore that this would be the last time he ever cried. He tried to smile to make himself feel better, but realized his mouth stung like mad whenever he would attempt to smile. The left side of his face also begun to burn. He realized he couldn't see out of his left eye anymore, and reached up to feel his face. It felt like it had big gashes, and deep cut wounds all over it. It also felt as if his eye was gone. He looked around, and found a glass shard {for convenient plot reasons} and stared at his face. The left side was horrifically mangled. His eye was indeed gone leaving nothing but a large black void. Through the remainder of the week it took the ship to get to America, Ruv had been living off of the sailors food supply. He realized he was naturally skilled at thieving. Finally when the ship arrived, Ruv snuck off, and traveled quite aways for about a month before he ended up in a big, but not very populated, or rich city. He lived off the streets by stealing what he needed. He was never caught. After some time, he learned English by listening to the people, and repeating what they said to himself. One day, he was resting on an old bench in an overgrown clearing in the woods he often hid out in when suddenly, a pink haired girl sat on the opposite end of the bench, and stared at him. Ruv tried to ignore her but she spoke to him.

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