Chapter 1

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      Plopping down on the couch, I groan loudly. Mom rolls her eyes and asks, "What's wrong now Abby?"
I stare at the ceiling, "there's nothing to do around here."
She turns to me and says, "Why don't you call up Mia and ask her if she wants to hangout?"
      Quickly, I lean up and grab my phone off the table. Dialing the number, I get up and walking into my bedroom. The phone rings longer than it usually does when I call her, I look at her contact photo on the screen of one of her beautiful selfies as it continues ringing. Long brown hair, messy but pretty around her shoulders, knees pulled up to her chest, and her polka dotted blue pajamas with a black tee-shirt that she stole from my closet.
       On the fourth ring, right before I was going to give up and hang up, she answered. For a moment, all I hear is staggered breathing.
"Hello?" I ask, no response, only breathing. I try again, "Hellooo?", once again with no response. Waiting for a response for a minute then I sigh, about to click the end button until the breathing stops. I stop, hesitantly saying again, "Hello...?"
There's a click and then footsteps. Finally, I hear her voice as peppy as can be, bursting through the eerie silence "Hey, what's up?"
I smile, "Oh nothing, Just wanna know if you wanna hang out?"
Hesitantly she answers, "Yeah sure."
"Okay cool, my place or yours?"
"Um... do you think we could hang out at the park?" 
I furrow my eyebrows in confusion but still say, "Yeah ok. See ya in ten then?" 
         The phone cuts off, showing that she hung up. I wonder what is up with her until I as I get dressed for the appropriate clothing for Spring weather and go into the other room, telling my mom that I'm going to go out with Mia for a while and I'll be back later. She kisses my cheek and reminds me for the trillionth time in my life to be careful as I close the door behind me. Jumping on my bike, I ride somewhat quickly to the park. Mia is already there when I get there, dressed quite formally. A white and blue dress that stop a few inches over her knee, her regular combat boots, her long brown hair flowing like a waterfall of perfect waves down her back, and the perfect shadowy make up eye look going on that brings her usually dull green eyes into bursting emeralds.
      I laugh as I ask, "Whoa whoa whoa did I miss the memo? Is there a ball or something? Why so fancy Mia?" 
She smiles, it's obviously forced but I don't point it out, saying, "Oh I don't know, it's just a good day I guess" 
We spend about an hour talking about cute boys and mean girls from our school, how high-school will feel next year, and just silly things in general, all conversations ending in lots of laughter.
       We end up just swinging in silence, both of us thinking deeply about our own things. I end up fiddling with my twisted bracelets and thinking about a boy I like named Tyler. Beautiful brown eyes and shaggy blonde hair, with a lip piercing. Would you believe that?! A fourteen year old with a freaking lip piercing! I wish my mom would be cool and let me get a lip piercing. Maybe snake bites and some gauges. Yeah! That'd be so cool oh my god. Tiny gauges, not the really really big ones that you can literally stick your fingers through. Maybe I can convince my mom into dying my hair purple or baby pink. Hmmm.. Mayb- 
        My thoughts are interrupted by Mia saying something, I ask,
"Sorry what?", she turns to me and asks, "Love is for losers, right?" 
Her eyes waiting for a response, I quickly reply 
"Yeah, love is for losers." 
Yeah, I obviously didn't believe that but that seemed to be what she wanted to hear. She sighed, looked at her phone, and stood up, saying "I better get home before my mom has a heart attack" 
I nod, "See ya" 
She nods, grinning, "bye", and hops on her bike and rides off. I watch her until she's gone then I set back down onto the rough swing seat and watch as the sun sets from bright white and blue to pinks and purples, darker and darker until it begins to get dark and I hop on my bike and hurry home.

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