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We talked for hours while feasting on some canned baked beans and drank from bottled water.

"Did you ever get to meet your mother or father again?", I asked her.

"I lost all contact with them...I searched and searched for them for a very long time but I never saw them again.....Darien never met his parents too.....",

"So you had been in Marine city all this while?", I asked her.

"Yes.......that night at the concert we were unable to escape from the stadium and the staff members kept us safe along with Jk and the others...we were trapped in that place for exactly six months.

The government kept telling us over social media how fast the virus is spreading and they gave false promises that they will send help soon....nothing of that sort happened.

When the zombies infiltrated the stadium we had to flee. So many survivors died in that escape alone....we had to spend days on the run and hiding.

We kept finding more survivors....we learned to fight back and then one day government officers came to us and they brought us here. They had made the wall and they promised to rebuilt the city but the zombies infiltrated the wall too and that project stopped"

Aren't you afraid that the zombies will get here too", I asked her.

"The army keeps watch for here and the zombies have only reached the train station.....and the airport",

"I don't understand how did they get
through the wall?", I asked her

"I don't know",

Anamika entered the tent.

"Esther they are back",

"Oh my God .....come with me they have returned", she said happyily and led me outside. Pauline trailed behind us.

They returned back and at a distance I was glad to see Darien....but he was sweating and looked pale. I realized  Esther had noticed that too and a terrible feeling of fear overcame her face.

He came nearer, Jungkook held his hand as he walked towards us. Esther immediately went by his side and clutched onto his chest.

I noticed a red bloody scar on his right arm. Oh no......he has been infected....but the wound looked like a  scratch mark .....a zombie has dugged its nails  into his was not a bite mark. The infection transfers extremely fast through bites and a person transforms in merely  a matter of seconds but infection through nails scratching like this was slow very slow it took almost two weeks and during this time the infected person suffers from symtems like fever, sweating, rashes, body ache, vomiting, paralysis etc lets just say as the days goes by the body begins to shut down slowly and painfully.

"How did you let this happen?",
I spat.

"What?", Jungkook asked me.

"How could you let this happen to him?", I argued.

"Will you calm down its not our fault?", Jimin answered back.

"Yeah right....I am preaty sure you just stood behind him protecting yourselves",

"What.....oh my God he was not attacked by a zombie...he broke a door down and got hurt by a rusty nail", Jin explained to me.

he broke a door down and got hurt by a rusty nail", Jin explained to me

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Suga immediately injected something into his arm.

"This tetanus shot will make him feel better, make sure he takes rest", he told Esther.

She nodded in agreement and began to take him away I was about to leave too.

"Hey STOP, aren't you going to apologize ", Jungkook spoke sternly.

"Apologize for what....that looked like a scratch from a zombie anybody could have been mistaken",

" No.....apologize for misbehaving like haven't been here for a day and you are talking back to me can't do that", he cracked.

"I don't care how everybody else talks to you but I will talk to you and your band mates like this",

"No you won't......what did you say ? , band mates you do know who we are", Jungkook chuckled.

"You were with them that night....guys she is Esther and Darien's best friend......she was crazy for me", he said sarcastically.

His mates laughed at me.

I couldn't believe this the world was standing on the edge of a cliff and he was on his ego trip.

I couldn't believe this the world was standing on the edge of a cliff and he was on his ego trip

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"Well...I have grown up....I have gone through a lot of pain and lost valuable  people in my life but I don't expect you too understand that emotion because people are just either an asset or a liability for you just like your staff members were ....too bad they lost their life saving selfish beings like you and friends",

"Thats it you have just crossed a line", Namjoon said angryily and began comming towards me.

"No...just leave it", Jungkook said holding him back.

"I don't care what  you do but just stay the hell out of our way", he said to me and stomped off.

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