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"Crap", I thought to myself.

"Its ok I can handle things on my own", I told him.

"No...I am incharge here so I make the rules", he said to me.

"Fine....but let me just remind you that I don't give much of a shit to authority anyway", saying so I walked over to Darien.

"Hi ...can I have a word with you", I said to him. He was paired up with Namjoon and was busy talking to him.

"Excuse me, I will be back", he said to him.

"Sure", Namjoon answered.

We walked a bit further away.

"How are you doing today?",

"I am good Natasha", he smiled.

"Can you fill me in what to expect out there?",

"We are going to go to a relief shelter which is located 500 miles beyond the train station here the government officials deliver rations everyday our job is to collect this but it won't be easy because the place is surrounded by zombies...sometimes we are lucky to get out alive with the exact number that enters the place and sometimes we are not so lucky.......within this month we have lost 24 survivors",

"Why are these government workers leaving food at this shelter when the people are here?", I asked him.

"I don't know why?",

"It was almost like they were placing these people in danger", I thought to myself.

"What else is located out there?", I asked him.

"Every other building has been torn down .....except for Dang Pharmaceutical one is allowed in there",

"What happens there?",

"I don't Natasha ......what is with all the questions?"

"Nothing......I am just trying to understand the situation",

"One last question",

"Ok what is it",

"Is Dr Dang still alive",

"Yes.....he took over the government",

I couldn't believe this.

" better get going he is waiting for you ", He said gesturing towards Jungkook who was watching us.

I went back to him.

He handed me a backpack.

"Everything you need is in here", he said to me.

I took it from him. For some odd reason V was smiling.

 For some odd reason V was smiling

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What is wrong with him?......we were going to face an army of zombies there were chances that most of us won't make it back alive.

"Why are you smiling?", I asked him.

"I am just trying to be more welcoming towards you", he said politely.

"Well I am sure you can do that without that smile especially in a grave situation like this....its creepy",

His expression suddenly changed to a seroius one.

"Ok....everybody get to the jeep", Jungkook anounced.

I followed him to the jeep as I got into the back seat

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I followed him to the jeep as I got into the back seat. V sat beside the driver's seat.

As we made the journey one question kept repeating in my head.

"What is happening inside Dang's factory....what is that bastard upto now?

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