Camera Footage

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(I finally put in a reference, yay!
Oh and I know the way I describe the fight isn't completely accurate to what happens in the game, but whatever.)

Hank sighed deeply as he opened the file to the security footage that had captured Connors death. With Connors last breath, he told Hank about a deviant. He assumed that deviant attacked Connor, so this footage would tell him what it looked like.

As the video loaded on his computer, the first thing Hank noticed was the angle of the camera. He could see everything apart from the right most wall.

The video started with Connor walking into the room and looking around for a moment. He circled the table in the room, and opened overhead cupboards.
Eventually Connor confronted the stationary androids off to the side. He grabbed their hands to look into their memories to determine if they were involved in the murder in the other room. The first one didn't resist, and saw nothing. The second one didn't resist, and saw nothing. The third one; however, was a different story.
The second Connor made a grab for its hand, it immediately pulled back harshly, and shoved Connor away from it.

Seeing this, Hank cringe, knowing what was going to happen next. Something violent had to have happened for him to find Connor the way he did.

Looking back to the security footage, Connor and the deviant android began to fight. It threw punches to Connor's stomach and face, all while he returns them with the occasional leg sweep.
Inevitably, Connor was overtaken by the deviant. It stabbed a knife through his left hand, pinning him to the counter.

Hank heard the pained grunt that Connor made as that knife went through his hand.

While Connor was still recuperating from his injury, the deviant started to punch him again. He kicked him back every so often while trying to remove the knife from his hand.
Unfortunately, the deviant managed to get too close too fast, and Connor had no defense. It dug its fingers into his chest, ripping his clothes slightly. The blue blood began to leak from the area. Then, out of nowhere, a cylinder object was pulled from Connor. After this feat, the deviant ran out of the room, surprised by what he had done, almost as much as Connor was.
At this point, Connor decided to just pull his hand off the knife. After he fell to the floor, he struggled to crawl to the cylinder a few feet away. He couldn't get to it. At this point, he called for Hanks help.
"Hank...Hank I need help!"

Hearing those words, Hank froze. He didn't know he had said that. He didn't even get there in time to save him.
There was Thirium everywhere. He forgot how much there had been.

Finally, Hank saw himself walk into the room, not even noticing Connor until he was a few feet away from him.

"Deviant...It—was a deviant." Connor choked out, before drawing his last breath.

That's all Hank needed to watch. He turned his computer off, and put his head in his hands.
"I'm sorry, Connor." He sighed, "I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you."

Started- Oct. 2/21
Finished- Oct. 2/21
Word Count- 550

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