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Connor walked into the precinct of the Detroit Police department, and made his way to the desk of the man he was to always accompany. He had been a member of this department for about three months, and even though he was an android, he had made a small name for himself due to his solve rate. Some people were envious while others were impressed.
As he walked past desks and break rooms, he couldn't help but notice that people were staring at him. A few looks of disgust, but mainly of confusion. Yet, no one dared to say anything.
Ignoring all of these looks, Connor finally arrived at his destination.

"Hello, Lieutenant." He greeted.

Hank looked up from his desktop to meet with Connors eyes, a rude hello on his lips. He paused in his tracks, his face scrunching out of shock.
"What the hell is on your face?" Hank scoffed, trying not to laugh.

"I beg your pardon?" Connor replied, tilting his head as he stood in his obedient position; his hands behind his back accordingly.

"Why the hell do you have glasses?" Hank questioned, "Aren't you androids perfect?"

"Well, I wouldn't say that..." Connor trailed off, "But the reason I am wearing these glasses prescribed by Cyberlife, is because I had a malfunction in my biocomponets responsible for my vision, and Cyberlife didn't have the resources on hand to assist me. So they thought of a temporary alternative." Connor explained, adjusting his glasses at the end of his explanation.

"What a horrible decision by Cyberlife." Gavin mocked, walking up behind Connor, as he had ease dropped on the whole conversation.
"How is anyone supposed to take you seriously with that? I mean, glasses? Really?" Gavin doubled over in laughter, even though no one else was even smiling at his words.

Connor had two choices; Rebut or endure. He choose to endure, because no harm was coming to him.

"Just because he looks like an idiot doesn't mean you get to call him one." Hank said casually, trying to sound like he didn't care.

"Come on, Hank." Gavin chuckled, stepping uncomfortably close to Connor. He grabbed the glasses off of the bridge of his nose, and snapped them in half. It took a little bit of unexpected effort, so Gavin just looked like a fool.
He dropped them at Connors feet and walked away, proud.

"Hm..." The android furrowed his eyebrows in loss. He really did need those. It would be almost impossible to do any police work if his vision was so blurred that he couldn't see the littlest things right in front of him.
Connor decided to leave the broken glasses on the ground, finding it wasn't worth picking them up. He fumbled his way to the side of Hanks desk, not being able to see anything but colored blobs.

"Are you alright, Connor?" Hank asked, curiosity trying to overpower the sympathy in his voice.

"I'm afraid I won't be of any use today, Lieutenant. My vision biocomponents are so severely compromised that I cannot do much of anything." Connor sourly explained, feeling guilting for not fulfilling his mission, but most importantly, for not being able to help Hank on their latest case.

"It's alright Connor. Your repairs will just give me a few extra days of relaxation." Hank chuckled, sounding a little too upbeat.

"I hope you weren't planning on procrastinating, Lieutenant." Connor smiled, his grim demeanor now gone.

"Of course not." Hank waved off, "I was just going to temporize."

"I'm afraid those words are synonymous, Lieutenant." Connor tried his best to make eye contact with Hank, but he didn't exactly know where everything was.

"But you know what's not synonymous?" Hank asked rhetorically, standing up from his desk chair. "Hank and Lieutenant."

He made allusion to his constant requests of Connor to not call him Lieutenant. They were close enough now that his police title wasn't necessary. Especially when they weren't at the station, or even at a crime scene. I mean, he did have a name for a reason.

"Technically they are." Connor stood at obedience when Hank got up out of his chair. "Your title as Lieutenant refers to your role in the department. Your name, Hank, refers to your specific being. The definitions overlap in certain places."

"I get it, Connor." Hank rolled his eyes. He was not looking for a whole explanation.

Hank preceded to walk away, signaling Connor to follow him. The android had no idea where they were about to go, as he had informed the other that he couldn't do any detective work until his vision was repaired. He followed nonetheless. Well, as best he could.
He fumbled into the edges of tables, and tripped over legs of desk chairs a few times, but he eventually caught up to Hank with no casualties.

"Fucking androids." Hank rolled his eyes, noticing Connor's struggle to simply walk around things.
He looped his arm into Connors that were at his sides.

He smiled gratefully, not knowing the implications of this action. He never did know everything.

Started- Oct. 17/21
Finished- Oct. 19/21
Word Count- 858

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