Craving for you

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Author's POV

" okay " he sighed and without asking anything further tell me the whole recipe.

I thanked him and prepared the soup but it was bitter or I could say weird in taste than suga's hyung soup which he always made for me whenever I fall sick. Scrunching my face i drank it all and at last I drank my saliva at the bitter taste.

And without giving much reaction to my recipe I run to my room to sleep.

Suga"s POV

His sneez was really irritating me.

" yah " I yelled in the middle of night and he startled and sit on his couch abruptly looking at me confused.

" can't you handle this small disease or is this your other plan to make me fall sick and made me physically weak " I almost growled and only sniffle can be heard from his side.

" sorry " he mumbled in cracked voice and my heart sank.

I really hate these infections but whenever he catch cold I always helped him because he is really a careless brat towards his health but right now I don't want to help him because of my anger but I can't see him like this too.

" Give me some warm water " I ordered and he ran out of the room.

I sigh in a anger because he kept running here and there in the whole house for any work, whole day And always get tired and fall asleep anywhere like last night he fall asleep beside me.

" Hyung " he said handing me glass of water and helping me to come out of my thought.

" drink it " I said rudely

He frowned in confusion and gain a growled from me and then drank whole glass in once.

" there would be a blanket in the wardrobe of right side room.....go and get that " I said again being cold hearted.

He again ran and this time I wanted to scold him again but only ended up with a frustrating sigh and laid on the bed to wait for him.

He came and put the blanket on couch and was about to sleep.

" come here " I yelled in my sleeping position.

" with blanket " he again move in hurry to couch and the grab the blanket and stand beside the bed dumbfounded.

I sit on the bed with a bit difficulty holding my right hand with left to support my weight. He was about to help me but I forbid him showing my palm and he halted in his action.

I sit on the bed leaning to headboard and ordered " take off your shirt "

and he widen his eyes.

I got pissed off and almost yelled at his reaction " is this will be your first time to be naked in front of me "

He shook his head and put the blanket on the edge of the bed and within a second he was half naked in front of me.

I tilted my head to indicate him to sleep besides me and without asking anything he lay beside me, back facing me.

I aslo take off my shirt with a bit difficulty and cover him with my blanket and then put another blanket on it which he brought a minute ago and i slide down myself in the blanket.

When my body touched his he shrink his body. I slide my hand on his waist touching his bare shrinked stomach and he hold my wrist. I could heard his increasing heartbeat cause of my touch.

Yes, I was craving for his warmth from few days but I was still angry on him for his disgusting plan to prove my love to him.

I nuzzle my face in the back of his neck and his scent gave me realx, for me it's really hard to sleep without him and in the hospital I don't how I slept without him for fucking a week without seeing his face. He didn't come to me after I scold him for his mistake and i totally got fucked up with my loneliness.

I closed the remaining distance between our private area down there and he tighten the grasp on my hand which was on his waist. But I was not in a condition to fuck him so without raising any hope in him anymore i told him "sleep" with a cold tone and his grasp on my hand loosen but still holding it he fall asleep before me, must be cause of tiredness of his whole day.

My hot breathe was fanning on his nape and he was sleeping peacefully without realizing my.....heartbeat. I don't know what happened to me or my anger and I kissed his nape but he didn't show any movement and with a smile I planted soft kisses on his nape to his shoulder without his knowledge and after satisfying myself only with kisses, i also decide to fall asleep with a smile keeping him in my embrace.


Jimin POV

I really wanted to stretch my body after having such a good and comfortable sleep but I halted myself from doing this remembering that hyung would be beside me and if I will do my exercise in bed he might get hurt.

I got out of the bed and he was still sleeping, it was a little indigestible thing that hyung is still sleeping this late.

The condition he was in half naked body covered with blanket till his chest, look like we fucked last night but the sad part is that we didn't.

I realized that i am not sneezing  and my cold it totally vanished i don't it is because of soup or his body warmth. I slightly blushed and then reached to him. I was about to cover him properly with blanket then my gaze went to his wound and there was a blood stain. i panicked

" hyung....wake up " I said slightly shaking his left hand and he groaned.

" hyung " I said getting worried.

" Jiminaaah " he said in a pain while holding his right arm with his left and opened his eyes.

I was looking at him in worry.

" hyung what happened ? " I said helping him to sit on the bed.

And in response he glared at me with his sleepy eyes still holding his hand. And then he looked at his shoulder.

" Change this bandage " he said and I got scared.

Because everyday a nurse come to change his bandage in the afternoon but it was still morning so there was no other option than me.

I brought the first aid box and for the first time I saw how deep his wound was, after removing the bandage. He closed his eyes when the cold air touch his wound. I put the medicine on it which he gave me to apply.

I tried to mix the paste with the help of cotton but he winced and grab my wrist tightly while shutting his eyes close at the pain. At his reaction I tried my best to be soft with his wound but I was shaking from inside cause of fear to hurt his wound while changing the bandage.

After finishing i asked " it because of me ? "


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