Chapter 1

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SKIDDING to a final stop, the water user collapsed against the broken building and watched in relief as the sun chased away the darkness. Ash particles rose from the demon flesh as they screeched in anger.

Her (e/c) orbs stared at the disintegrating flesh, tense and unmoving. (Y/n)'s vision blurred for a moment and cleared up as she closed her eyes, tears escaping despite her best efforts to keep it in.

Her right hand twitched and her katana fell onto the ground with a clang. In the distance, she could hear people sobbing and screaming with joy over their victory while others cried over the deaths of their loved ones.

She could hear her fellow water pillar and many others sobbing over the death of Tanjiro.


The kid had been kind hearted, understanding, had a pure smile and a good sense of smell, he had helped many people realize their potential.

He had, despite human nature saying otherwise, been good.

"Ne, (Y/n)-san?"


"Why are you scared?"

(Y/n) opened her right eye slowly, knowing that her left eye could no longer work as she slowly lost sensation of her body.

"What do you mean kiddo?"

"You're always scared of interacting with us and you actively avoid us."

The (h/c) haired girl fell silent.

(Y/n) watched as the scene came to life before her very own eye. She had never expected to see this particular scene as she had assumed she would have died before it could happen.

Inhaling deeply, she reached for her katana.

Tanjiro should be waking up as a demon soon, she had to back them up so Kanao could give him the antidote for him to turn back.

She willed herself to move, her legs shook and she collapsed before crawling across the battlefield and her vision blurred.

Realizing she was still crying, the (h/c) haired female stopped momentarily to wipe at her tears and she found herself missing the simplicity of her past life.

Before she came into this world, she had been scrolling through the internet at a small cat cafe.

Died at the age of 18, never got to see her parents, the (h/c) haired girl was transported into the world of demon slayer.

Now thinking back, did she ever have time to mourn over her past life?

Screams and shouts echoed through the blood-stained battleground littered with the broken corpses of their fallen comrades, disappearing as quickly as they had come.

(Y/n) snapped her head up and raced forward, raising her katana as Giyuu shouted for the people still capable of fighting to kill Tanjiro before he could kill someone else.

Zenitsu limped his way across the field with the help of a kakushi and he knelt down in disbelief.

Inosuke's movements faltered.

After all, the trio were friends and friends couldn't just kill each other.

Ducking under a whip made of flesh, (Y/n) hurriedly deflected a whip and turned around, making eye contact with Giyuu before both nodded.

Zenitsu raced in to help.

They had to distract him from eating human flesh before Kanao could inject the antidote.

A Pillar's quirk [KNY x BNHA]Where stories live. Discover now