Chapter 19

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When I tell you I screeched in joy 15 minutes after I got off work because someone drew (Y/n) in their style and tagged me on Insta.

It's beautiful I'm crying HAJSHAJSJJSD.

Artwork belongs to - @/yumna_.yumi
Instagram - @/yumna_.yumi

TW WARNING: Mentions of suicide, PTSD, trauma... AKA THERAPY MOMENT!

Some extreme heavy shit in therapy session, inspired by my life :D

No beta read we die like Rengoku.

(Y/n) stared at the bokken in her hand and let out a sigh, she brushed her hair aside and settled into stance again because whatever the hell she is doing...

It's working.


The clone of Ectoplasm nodded and they went off again.

(Y/n) leaped and struck with the bokken as the clone dodged and struck her with his fist before (Y/n) sweeped down low with her leg strucking his shin, bringing up the bokken to struck his throat before sighing.

Another clone dead.

Well, another one is coming up.

Huffing, she shook her head at Ectoplasm and he nodded, both agreeing that this probably isn't helpful because (Y/n)'s just too fast.

Her speed and senses doubled now thanks to the demon blood coursing through her veins.

Breathing style crossed out then... just learn more about weapons and fighting with them?

(Y/n) hummed and leaned against one leg.

'I mean, I always wanted to learn with polearms, or spears in their definition,' (Y/n) thought as she dug through her memories.

'It would be helpful if I just become a weapon master, well, time to watch videos and self-learn the human anatomy.'

She left the place with Ectoplasm staring at the puddle of his dead clone and mentally counted how many times she killed his clones now.

Another explosion occured behind him making the hero sigh as Bakugo yelled out that another one of his clones died.

Aizawa stared at him with a 'good luck buddy' before turning around to look at other students progress.

Ectoplasm sighed.


The keyboard clacked and the reader leaned back against her chair, mentally storing away the information before opening up her mini fridge to take out her favourite drink.

Her new quirk is amazing, the fact that it's just absorbing information of whatever she sees is useful as hell.

Especially useful in tests.

The sudden thought made (Y/n) freeze as she slowly turned away from the screen to look at the dictionary sitting on her bookshelf because she now remembers the existence of tests.

The dictionary.

(Y/n) stared at the book as it just stayed there before slowly getting up to grab the book.

She activated her quirk and opened up the first page.


She cracked the code to remembering this shit.

Now it's time to piss people off with smartass words.

If Class 1-A heard her cackles echoeing throughout the dorm, they didn't comment on it.

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