Chapter 24

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As promised, I drew (Y/n) in my style lol

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As promised, I drew (Y/n) in my style lol. It's not properly drawn since this is a draft but it'll do.

I forgot to add the katana, oh well.

My finger hurts from drawing on phone :'D


(Y/n) dusted away dirt off her hero costume before folding it up and placing it inside her case, kneeling down, she took off her katana carefully before placing it inside and shutting inside.

As much as it hurt her to leave her katana behind, (Y/n) had to reminder herself that she does not need her katana besides her at all times now.

"(Y/n), come on! Results are coming out!"

The (h/c) haired female looked up and nodded, adjusting her cap before getting up and put it on the cart which was carried to the bus for them to unload.


But there's heroes around so their costumes should be alright.

"Times like these are the absolute worst..." Jirou sighed as Momo patted her back to comfort her while Uraraka agreed silently.

"As long as you have it your all, I'm sure everything will be okay."

(Y/n) tipped her head sideways and nodded in agreement as Tsuyu let out a ribbit.

If she passes the exam than she should go back on Heronsta, it has been a while since she was last on there so maybe she could finally post a photo of her and class 1-A together.


Hopefully no stalkers.

The sound of tapping on a microphone rang across the field and a cough echoed after.

"Hello everybody and thank you for waiting. You have all worked hard. I will now begin by presenting the results of the examination... But before that, I just have a few words," He began before he lifted up his hand and held up two fingers.

"In terms of how we went about evaluating you..."

(Y/n) stared blankly and debated silently if she should zone out of listen.

"...two systems of point deduction that were combined..."

Zone out or not zone out? If we don't zone out we get information, if we zone out we get to imagine what we want and get things over faster.

"...the names of who passed the examination will be displayed in alphabetical order..."

(Y/n) blinked and zoned back in before shifting her eyes on the board before realising that, oh, she ended up zoning out just by debating.

"Whoa! That's more people than I thought!"

"Ah! My name is there YAY!"

"Mi mi mi mi mi mi mi mi..."

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