Chapter 5

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Just a whole load of swearing.

Got my second dose yesterday and the symptoms are a bitch—

School is also an ass, help-
Hence why there would be a lot of swearing in this chapter.

"OKAY but like, what if we just committed arson?"

"Haruki no-"

"Haruki yes!"

The breeze carried the clouds away and the shadows disappeared as students chattered around them, their junior high school uniform slightly fluttered before settling back down in the wind.

(Y/n) sighed before setting her book down onto the empty space beside her.

Whilst Haruki began thinking of different ways to bomb up the school along with the shitty teachers and asshole of a students, (Y/n) thought back to the past few years and wondered if it got better or worse.

Being the smartest in class (because she's hella old damnit-), the one who scores the most during Physical Education class (thanks to concentrated breathing), and being bloody quirkless (ah yes, thank fuck she does not have a quirk-)

It was currently their first break and just by being back at school already has (Y/n) with different notes stuck to her locker and desk, pretty mean ones as well.

But Haruki was having none of that and was searching up ways to torture people.

Which brings them back to now.

"Haruki, if we get caught you know the consequences," (Y/n) groaned as she flipped off the rude bitch who was making up stupid rumors about her again.

The rude bitch flipped her back.

Haruki looked up and flipped the rude bitch off with both of her hands.

Then Haruki whirled around and stared at (Y/n), who in return, tried to grab her book to read.

"We just need to wait till we're of age right? That's so longggg." Haruki whined as she twirled her hair and (Y/n) chuckled.

"Damn the law," the (h/c) haired female sighed as Haruki nodded in agreement, her hands rubbing soothingly over (Y/n) as they watched the clouds by.

Patting Haruki's hair, she returned to reading her book as the girl relaxed underneath her palm.

They both ignored the snickers.

That was until (Y/n) lifted her eyes and stared into the distance, her arms wrapping around Haruki's waist and leaped out of the way.

Just in time to dodge the bucket of green paint filled with dirty toilet water.

Haruki gaped at the mess and glared at the students on the third floor, her pink hair sharpened into a knife.

"THAT'S IT!" And with that, the girl charged forwards and (Y/n) could only stare at the trial of dust she left behind.

"Oh dear..."


The matron apologized profusely as Haruki glared at the three boys who tried to spill the monstrosity that they managed to dodge during snack time, (Y/n) had her lips pressed into a thin line while feeling the matron glaring daggers into her back.

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