Chapter 20

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(Y/n): I have a headache.
(Y/n): It's called "the author and her fucking plot."

Bakugo was unconscious and (Y/n) was not in the mood to deal with him right now as Midoryia was standing in the corner muttering like crazy.

Because the year is apparently 2149?

(A/n: author is doing maths on holiday because of the timeline- and Im about to quit-)

(Y/n) rubbed her temples at the sudden information because well.

Instead of flying cars, there are a lot of superhuman powers instead.

Very nice.

Time to sleep.

She stood up and headed up the stairs before suddenly several pairs of hands grabbed onto her sleeve and pulled her down-

Startled, (Y/n) forced herself to relax and fell with the people who dragged her as she willed herself to not slash a random persons neck.


Oh hell naw, she is not going to deal with this right now. Whirling around she lifted up her arms and started shouting.


She grabbed one of the hands and threw the person up into the air who screeched in response as they landed on the couch.


She grabbed the other two and flung them at Yaoyorozu who quickly made a mattress to catch them.


She screamed and stopped as they finally quieted down. Standing up, she dusted herself before walking towards the staircase only to be stopped by an extremely curious Midoryia.

"W-wait please! I have questions and would like to learn!"

"Broccoli why-?"


Never had (Y/n) been faced with multiple puppy dog eyes and never had she agreed so quickly.

Curse the existence of puppy dog eyes.

Who the hell made it-


A spotlight flickered on in the dark, dark room and it landed on a (h/c) haired female sitting on the couch with a deadpanning expression.

"Kaminari, Sero, please cut it out," (Y/n) ordered as the two males whined about her being a kill joy.

No seriously, why was she here again?

Another spotlight flickered on and landed on Midoryia- wait, why is he wearing sunglasses?

"Hello (L/n)-san, thank you for cooperating with us on this beautiful day," Midoryia began with his partner-in-crime Todoroki before he reached out for a notebook and a pencil.

(Y/n) stared at them and her eyes flickered down to the pencil and book before deadpanning even harder, "What is this roleplaying? And are you seriously using pencils when you use pens to sketch out hero analysis?"

Midoryia paused and tossed the pencil over his shoulder as Momo passed him a pen.

Why was no one questioning this-

"Thank you for you suggestion."

"That... wasn't a suggestion."




"Anyways, first question."

(Y/n) stood up much to the dismay of Kaminari and flickered on the lights, turned around only to see Sero being the camerman, Kirishima holding a microphone, Bakugo facepalming and Uraraka floating in embarrassment.

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