Chapter 29

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Y'all it's official, next fanfic is gonna be BSD, and yes, I'm back after a very long hiatus that I wish to never experience again. 

(Bet half, maybe more, of my readers from back then all abandoned this story sksks, hello new readers, thank you for continuing this story)

Anyways enjoy the chapter~




"The operation to rescue Eri has begun." (Y/n) commented while her counterpart looked up from her expensive desktop and hummed. The sun was shiny, it was probably now chapter 137 somewhere with the characters training, informed about the operation or.... yeah, that stuff that (Y/n) really wants a break from.

"Ah, I see, Nighteye has also sent a message to be alert on the day and alert operations to help if things don't go to plan," Takahashi explained before shifting to grab a mochi that (Y/n) handed her. "Apparently the capturers has also sensed the movement and are now more hidden than ever." 

(Y/n) blinked lazily and leaned back into the soft couch, both hands holding onto heavy weights before huffing. "This is a real pain," she complained before turning to the elder. "You sure this is like, an intership? I'm barely doing anything and going out to fight crimes or whatever." Takahashi paused and looked at (Y/n) with a deadpan.

"You're the one who didn't want to fight and wanted to rest, what the hell happened to that?"

"It died the moment I learnt of the amount of paperwork you had to do."


(Y/n) slumped back down onto the couch not even a moment later when she realised that she wouldn't be going out any time soon but a ding on her phone made her pause.

The hell.

(Y/n) shifted slightly and propped her elbow on the armrest before opening up her phone and chucking in her password, her eyes wandered around the screen till she found that red looking notification on the app and tapped in. Her eyebrows raised and a smile creeped in, Takahashi raised her eyebrow but (Y/n) shook her head and got up.

"I'll be back in a few minutes, a little Pomeranian needs help apparently."


 "It's not like you to ask for help," (Y/n) said haughtily as she stepped into the training area with Bakugo frowning heavily at her. "Feeling so weak that you decided to ask for little old me-"

An explosion sounded beside her face as she leaned away slightly from the punch that she caught with her hand, a kick whirling up to her face soon after and (Y/n) flipped away. Her gloved hand settled on the edge of her hoodie that covered her face and pulled it down, annoyed at how bright is was outside that it stings when the sunlight hits her skin. "That wasn't very nice of you," she mocked before dodging another explosion. "You should learn from your other classmates!"

"Yeah but in a fight, there's no countdown nor a 'ready, set, go' is there?" Bakugo replied, a crazed grin spreading across his face. "I have no clue what's happening to some of my classmates right now but I feel like having a spar, what more to ask someone who's on my level?"

(Y/n)'s smile dropped and her eyes drooped slightly while Bakugo's smile lifted even more. "That's more like it old hag," he laughed, settling into his stance quickly. "Now come at me with all you got."

"Come at you with everything I have? My, what a challenge," (Y/n) mocked before she made a split-second decision to take off her hoodie. Her hair now free from being cramped up and she pulled out a pair of knives, the frown on her face deepening more when she realised that there were practically no clouds in the sky but shrugged it off.

"If I win, you relearn your manners and stop calling me an old hag," (Y/n) suggested, a grin suddenly popping up and she stared into his eyes. "A pity you wanted me to use everything I have, maybe if you limited my fighting abilities, you could have won!"

"At a rate of 5%."

Bakugo gritted his teeth. "Fucking fine, but if I win you teach me everything you have from your stupid timeline."

(Y/n) smiled.


Bakugo could barely react to the sudden blur and a burst of pain on his left ribs before (Y/n) kicked him on his elbow, making sure to not damage him that bad before landing another few hits on both his shins and on his shoulder blades.

He fell onto the ground and clutched his elbow, a strangled wheeze escaped from him and (Y/n) smiled. The last thing Bakugo saw was going to be in his nightmares, just a boot stomping down on his face and a casual karate chop to his neck before he was out like a light.

(Y/n) blinked, then she looked up and smiled sheepishly at Aizawa who slurped his juice while dialling his phone to call Recovery girl.

"You could've at least toned it down a bit." He commented while (Y/n) had the audacity to look offended.

"I'll have you know it's hard to control this super speed and all that shit revived hee-hee man gave me."

"Righttt." He drawled out and (Y/n) gawked at his behaviour and response.

"It's true!"




"Hey Bakugo, was it true that (Y/n)-san beat the crap out of you?"


"Please tone down your swearing Bakugo-kun."


"Hey Bakugo! Can you tell us what happened in your fight with (Y/n)-san?"



(Y/n) sneezed from inside her dorm before going back to her video games, pausing once on her push-ups when she realised her character was dying before going back at it again.

Yup, just another normal day.

(I can only do like, 5 push-ups....)


8:00 AM - In front of the Police Station...

(Y/n) covered her yawn slightly, regretting having to stay up because she was curious about the next few chapters of a manga. The police forces lined up in front of Nighteye while the hero and the officer explained their plan, demanding that everyone, heroes and police officers, are not to give them even a slight second for them to escape and take the Eri away.

"They definitely aren't wasting time." Kirishima commented while adjusting his helmet, (Y/n) nodded and hummed, acting totally like she's paying attention while tuning out the conversation around her.

"....and now a full-on police operation?...Something new everyday." Tsu commented and (Y/n) laughed at her comment, Nejire beamed in response and copied Tsu's pose in wonder. "Right? It's pretty weird!" She laughed as another hero shrugged.

"I had a hard time learning since they didn't teach us about this in school." She commented and Kirishima laughed nervously when he realised just how calm the pro heroes were to this situation. "You think we'll do okay?" Kirishima asked and (Y/n) took a second to realise that he was talking to her out of all people.

"Yup." She replied, smiling as Midoryia distantly commented how Gran Torino wasn't there on site.

"You will all be fine."

Notice how she said 'be fine' and not 'do fine'?

Kirishima only realised the hidden meaning around the end of battle when two corpses was found with the same face and same first name.

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