Chapter 20

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What the hell was going on? 

Michael stared at the disappearing red light which reminded him of the angry eyes of a furious dragon, retreating to gather strength for a new attack.  And having had several run-ins with this particular dragon, he anticipated a new offensive to be ferocious.  He should pull out his phone and record this in case anyone ever asked him why he avoided relationships and especially had learned to avoid this particular woman. 

“Mike, can you please get out of the street?” One of the security guys he had with him tonight approached from the backdoor. 

“Did you see that?  What the heck was that about?”

“No, clue, boss.  Women, I guess.” 

Yeah, women.  Crap- and now he had to go back inside and explain to Julia once again why he had totally forgotten about her presence to chase after Lisa.  He shook his head and took out his phone.  Starting to dial, he changed his mind.  No, fuck it! He would not call her.  He had done absolutely nothing that would warrant her insane behavior.  What was she doing here anyway?  Why was she at the Ivy of all places? 

Considering he had just spent months teaching his mind to not even think her name, most of his day had been consumed with thoughts about her.  He had been so furious with her this morning.  Ok, so maybe it had been a bit silly on his part to talk to Julia in Lisa’s presence, but she should have never tried to tell him what to do.  You gave Lisa one ounce of encouragement and she wanted to possess your soul.  And that had always worked out so well in the past…not. 

When she stormed off to the bedroom to make her oh so important call, he had been fuming.  Trying his best to end the call with Julia without seeming too rude, he heard Lisa whispering on the phone, only to put on some grand show as soon as he entered through the door.  For about five seconds he had actually thought she was calling her not quite fiancé, then understanding had dawned.  Fine, let her find out what playing at being the insecure, childish teen she had once been would get her. 

Then she had spouted some nonsense about being friends.  What a sudden change from all her professions of love.  Not that they had not tried that route before.  Crashed and burned at it, too. They had never just been friends.  They might not always have been lovers, but there was always a sexual undertone to their relationship that he well knew was absent with other people he was friends with.  He and Elizabeth might play and flirt at times, but there was no sexual current that pulled on him, threatening to drown him. 

In the past, he had tried to be friends with many women, whom he had later discovered to have an agenda to either use him for sex, money, or fame.  Well, Lisa needed no money, and she hated fame.  Sex was an entirely different matter- at least between them.  Try as they might, it happened over and over.  Even when they were barely talking and with other people.  Last night should have reminded her.  Hopefully, the kiss he had bestowed upon her would leave her with something to remember him by.  And not as a friend.

  And not as a friend

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