Chapter 1

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New story for ya'll! I plan on updating every two days its about thrity chapters long with a possible sequel!

The story is called 'His love taught me to lie'

I hope you enjoy, comment, like, fan what ever..




Chapter 1

'Harry Potter'

“Give Molly a lift home after dance practice, make sure Drake is in summer school and call Martin he left a message on the answer machine for you.

I’ll be back tonight about midnight. Thanks Ace!”

Rolling my eyes at my dad’s fast goodbye I send him a short wave whilst beginning my descent down the stairs. He was always working, a new patient here and an emergency surgery there. It was annoying to be honest; I felt he was never around when we needed him. This weekend had been one of those rare family ones.

“Sure I’ll just parent your children, no worries dad!”

I say sarcastically stomping down the stairs loudly. Sure still living at home at twenty wasn’t the best move; I became the permanent nanny to my brother and sister. It’s times like this I wished id gone off to college.

“I am not going to that hell hole today, I spent the entire year there I will not give them my summer break too!”

I shrug my shoulders at Drake, my sixteen year old brother. I don’t care what he does and I could really use the peace and quiet that comes with his happy sit in the front of the x-box day.

“Whatever, don’t be pissed at me when you don’t get into senior year. I graduated all ready, so not my problem.”

I say ruffling his hair; he immediately shrugs me off rushing to the mirror to check out his golden locks. Snorting I wonder why he cares about his looks so much. He does not get that from me.

“Can you drive me to Ellen’s instead?”

He asks as I admire by jeans and t-shirt, comfy look I had going on. He looks at me hopefully and I feel like being a bitch.


I say slumping down on our sofa my own blonde hair rushing in front of my face. I blow it out my eyes smiling smugly.

“I’ll take your car and crash it in the Wave River.”

He threatens as I scroll through my phone with out as much as a blink. His threats are empty; he wouldn’t dare touch my car, my beautiful rusty ford truck. I smile with fond memories of bringing the truck home and my dad’s bright red angered face.

“What’s that I hear? Bullshit.”

I grin at my brother as he grumbles curse words in my direction. I settle in to Lenny leather my sofa breathing in the old leather scent.

‘I like your pants around your feet; I like the dirt that’s on your knees,

I like the way you still say please-

“Talk to me.”

I murmur into my out of date camera less phone.

“I’ll be at yours in five; I need new shoes and a matching bag.”

I gag out loud as my friend Martin speaks to me. Shopping, I hate shopping. I rack my brain for excuses I haven’t pulled in a while. Stomach cramps? No that only works with the non gay variety of males, headache? No I used that to avoid his theatre performance of Hamlet last Friday.

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