Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 yeah!




Chapter 8 


Do I call? Do I just text, god this is such pressure! I wasn’t use to this.

“Call him! Do not make me spend another night reading through Nate’s porn magazine reseats.”

Molly demands as I sit next to her on the sofa I send her a grimace. She makes me out to be the worst sister ever.

“I will say something stupid.”

I mutter and Molly sends me a grin.

“When don’t you?”

She says a giggle on her lips. I snap my phone shut in annoyance, shove off then!  

“Im sorry okay? Call him please.”

She asks meaning against my arm I roll my eyes at her eagerness to avoid Nate's office. Putting the phone to my ear I look up to the ceiling hoping to keep myself calm.


He answers his voice groggy I look at the clock its almost ten in the morning.

“Hey this is Ace Vale?”

I say as if to remind him I hear him sitting up a yawn escapes his lips.

“Oh hey, this about tonight?”

He asks and I frown he knew I was going to call? Was I going to call? Im getting flustered all ready and we’ve barely said hello.

“Yeah would it be okay for me to drop Molly off before work at half four?”

I ask quickly Molly sending me encouraging thumbs up, Yale goes silent a minute.

“Yeah that’s okay; I’ll drive you to and from work if you want.”

He mutters and I blush at the thought of being alone in the car with him.

“Thanks, you sure Taylor is okay with this?”

I ask standing up to pace around my living room, I don’t know why pacing helps but it does. Maybe it sends energy to my legs so my mouth doesn’t go over board.

“I spoke to her earlier she’s fine with it.”

He says sounding slightly more awake I nod my head.

“Okay well I’ll see you later.”

I say awkwardly he mutters a good bye and hangs up the phone and I begin to breathe again. Why do I get so excited to hear his voice? I know I haven’t made new friends in a long time so all this is sort of strange to me. Is he a friend? Would I call him that?

I would call Nate a friend, but Yale? I had no idea where I stood with him.

“Be ready by four.”

I say pointing at Molly she nods her head eagerly and I roll my eyes as I head out the door to head to Martins, I just know im going to spend the entire time nodding my head to things I don’t understand avoiding any alone time with his ‘fiancé’.


Sitting on Martins sofa I awkwardly stare at Danny who smiles at me lazily his bare torso covered with hair. I frown, I thought gay men shaved there chests?

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