Chapter 10

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“You sure you don’t mind having both of them here? Drakes in a pissy mood and Molly won’t even look at me.”

I grumble to Martin as he ushers me towards his car a big grin on his face.

“No way, they’re like my siblings too besides it will help me and Danny know what it’s like to raise teenagers.”

I smile grimly at Martin putting the thought of him and Danny raising a child out my mind. They will be interesting parents to say the least.

“Okay well, I’ll be back Sunday morning, ring if you need anything I will come straight back.”

I mutter as Martin slams his car door head shaking. I scowl but pull out of his drive easily glad to be in a big enough car to feel safe on this long journey, his car was brand new so its was safe to feel that the car wouldn’t let me down.


“Stupid fucking thing!”

Kicking the wheel of Martins barely used BMW I begin to eat my words. I had driven for over an hour and was at least a half hour drive from Sienna. The car had stopped, just stopped on a road outside of the highway.

A phone call to Martin confirmed my fear it was his battery even though he was apologetic it still didn’t calm my anger down. I had put so much effort in to being brave enough to make this trip and now I would have to go home with out completing it.


Looking up to see a lorry stopped behind Martins car I strain to see who called my name, raising my hand to shield my eyes from the head lights I recognize a thick set older frame.


A smile forms on my lips, at least now I wont have to wait for a tow truck.

“Hey, don’t suppose I can grab a ride?”

I ask with a small smile Carl shakes his head with a laugh.

“Sure thing kiddo, want me to call a tow?”

I shake my head.

“All ready done that.”

I say following his towards the cab of his lorry and jumping in the air conditioned cab is a nice change from the sticky heat of a summers evening outside.


Walking in to the bar I fling my jacket over my shoulders my face flustered with annoyance. Carl had only been able to drop me off at his depot, which meant I had to walk the next two hours just to get here. It would be another hour home.

“You’re not working tonight.”

Nate says with an eyebrow raised as I jump on the bar stool plonking my elbows on the bar.

“Jack on the rocks, double.”

I say with a slight whine Nate’s eyes widen.

“Shit gone down?”

He asks hurrying to get me my drink as I nod my head roughly.

“Car broke down two hours away from town, got lift to Beachside, walked.”

I say speaking in some sort of code, taking large sips of the whisky allowing the soft burn to control my throat.

“Did you hitchhike?”

I shook my head, wishing I had! I could have saved myself the fucking walk.

“Carl drove past on his way back from a delivery.”

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