Chapter 3

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As we got into town I didn't like the feeling I got. There was so many people, I haven't been around this many people in so long. Blake parked the car but I didn't move to get out like he did. "What's wrong?" I shook my head and slowly got out becoming on anxiety filled cat right now. Blake stood next to me but I moved closer to him. "Bels?" I raised an eyebrow "Carter?" "Holy shit. I can't believe we can do this. I've tried so many times and it actually worked now. I thought I could only do it when we were close to each other." "Is there a reason your talking to me right now?" "Oh right... where'd you go?" "Blake is taking me shopping... honestly I'm ready to curl up in a ball and have a damn anxiety attack. There's so many people and they're all looking at me. I don't like it, I'd rather be in a tree purring my heart out as the sun warms my cold heart." "That... that actually sounds like fun." "So does swimming in a lake then getting in the tree." "When you came back... if the sun is still up. We are doing that." "I'll be a cat though?" "So?" "I don't think Blake wants me strutting my self around as a cat in front of a bunch of dogs." "Hey!" "Sorry. I'll take you up on the offer. I have to go. I almost ran into a damn pole again." "Hahaha fine. See you later Bels" "bye Carter."

Now that I got my attention together I was happy, I followed Blake who kept looking at me weird. "You okay? That was your third pole you almost ran into." "I'm okay" I said lowly as we kept walking until we finally reached the store. The door flew open and I almost hissed at the guy but Blake stopped it. "Let's go love" I went into the store and I felt like a scared kitten. I really wish I could mind link Blake and tell him to get me the hell out of here. "You going to shop?" I looked up and nodded stealthily making my way to the clothes. They all smell like dogs. Gross. I grabbed a couple leggings, a couple shorts and t shirts and went to Blake. He raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, no you can get more love." I shook my head "I don't really have a lot of money soo..." I said awkwardly. "Who said your buying?" I looked at him shocked. "You're my mate love, buy whatever you want or I will do it." Now I was curious on what he would buy. "Fine. I'll buy. What's your size?" I showed him the sizes and he walked off grabbing a shit ton of clothes my eyes were wide until some bitch came up to him.

"Hey there Handsome." I raised an eyebrow as Blake ignored her "You need any help?" The bitch asked and Blake turned to the other side "No I'm good." "Are you sure?" She said rubbing his arm. Oh hell no. "Don't touch me." Blake said glaring at her. "That's fine, you can touch me how ever much you want." Nope. I strutted over "Baby what are you doing?" I asked Blake who smiled at me "Finding you clothes baby girl." "Excuse me? I was talking to him." "Now you aren't. Get the hell away from my man." I said glaring at her "Like you could do anything better than me." She said with a shitty attitude. Oh. Now I smell her. She's a dog. I smirked sitting my clothes down and stalked up to her. "Oh sweetheart, I do things to him that wouldn't even be in your wildest dreams. The way he moans out my name when I'm on top of him is something you would never get to hear from any male dumb enough to be under you." I said almost purring as I felt all eyes on me. Her eyes were wide before she huffed as tears filled her eyes and ran off making me smirk. I turned towards everyone looking at me "Can I help you?" They all turned back to what they were doing as some of their faces were red as hell. I turned back to see Blake looking at me with so much shock yet lust in his eyes I, for a split second, almost regret what I said.

"Carter?" "Yeah?" "I just turned into mom when someone would hit on Dad." "Oh damn. You didn't?" "Oh. I did. In the middle of a damn store." "Oh I can't wait to hear about that." I just stopped mind linking him there and picked my clothes up. "You done?" I asked and he snapped out of it smirking. "Yeah... but we are not." I shivered a little. After he paid for everything I was ready to leave but he decided to wrap his arm around me. "So? What was that?" He asked and I tensed a little "I uh... Oh look at the time. We should head back now." I said trying to walk faster but it didn't work. He pulled me into him. "I don't know what that was but you chose some interesting words to play there." "I uh.. yeah... I did.." I said awkwardly. "Are you mad at me for it?" He chuckled "No, not at all. Honestly I didn't expect you to say anything. I didn't think you'd claim me." I stopped as we reached the car and looked at him. "What do you mean by you didn't think I would claim you?" He gave me a sad smile "Well... we haven't even known each other for a whole day yet.. I know we're mates but I didn't think you were happy about it." My eyes widened as tears dwelled in my eyes. "Why would you think that?" I asked softly as I looked down. I heard the door close and then arms wrapped around me. "I didn't mean it how I worded that... the way you said that we wouldn't get along it hurt me. I've told you, I don't care what you are. You are my mate, and I will never give you up. I've waited my whole life to have you. I just want to prove to you, that I will be the best mate and Alpha to you. I don't want you too feel uncomfortable with me, or uncomfortable to go out in public with me. I want you to be happy and to fall in love with me." He said softly. Wait... oh boy. "I wasn't uncomfortable because I was with you. I was uncomfortable because it's been so long since I've been around so many people. If I come to a city I do it at night where they're aren't many people or any at all. It gets to loud for me and I feel like a scared kitten and I don't like it. I don't like the way it makes me feel." I admitted to him. He put his finger under my chin and raised my head up. "Why didn't you tell me?" I sighed trying to avoid eye contact but it didn't work. "I didn't know what you'd say.. I didn't want you to laugh at me... and then that bitch pissed me off. Eva was ready to kill her in the middle of the store when she touched you." I said softly he smirked. "Well, I'll take that answer. Can I kiss you?" I blushed but nodded.

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