Chapter 6

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"They go into the woods at this time. After they come out of that building is when they take off." Blake said and I nodded as he showed me the building. I shifted into my panther and jumped onto the other roof staying low so they couldn't see me. After about 5 minutes they came out and that was my cue. I growled and watched them stop. I landed gracefully on the ground and roared loudly at them watching them all jump into each other as the girls screamed. I kept growling as I circled them "Who the fuck let a giant pussy in here?" The leader of them all said. I roared again and pounced on him grabbing him by his hoodie collar and threw him. He shifted mid throw and came at me. Oh you fucked up buddy. He ran at me as I stood there he stopped and stared at me growling. I growled as I licked around my snout. I could see the fear in his eyes. I watched the others shift. I wasn't standing around. I pounced onto the leader grabbing him by the throat and threw him into a tree hearing him whine I turned towards the others and growled deeply letting Eva take some control. The leader was still knocked down by the tree and the others started growling back besides one who looked skiddish with her tail between her legs. I pounced on her, throwing her to the leader and started fighting with the other 3 as I had the last one I put my paw on his throat and roared in his face hearing him whimper and start shaking. I backed off and stood there as the other 4 limped over.

I shifted to my human formed and glared at them all the look of surprise on their faces made me smirk. "Let's get one thing clear. You all act like your high and mighty but you fucking suck at fighting. You stood no chance up against me, and you never will. You all have the adults here sick of your bullshit. Oh not me, your Alpha is sick of your shit and as his mate and future Luna. I'll be damned if I let you 5 continue to act high and mighty." I growled out and they whimpered bowing their heads. "I'm not like everyone else. I refuse to let you little shits think you own this place. I'll put you in your place even if I have to tear you to shreds and go to your school and embarrass the ever loving hell out of you all." I growled again they whimpered loudly and laid down. "Shift back. Now." I said and they went behind trees and in less than no time they came back out dressed.

"Do you all understand what I have told you?" "Yes Luna." "Good. Now go to Conner and get checked out you cause any damn problems you won't face your Alpha. You face me. Let's go." I said they whined keeping their heads down and started walking towards Conner's office as I wore a smirk following behind them. I'm pretty sure every person in this pack is watching us right now but I don't even care. I followed them till we reached a medical room. "Sit down on the beds." "Yes Luna." They all sat down and Conner checked on them all. He treated a few wounds and said they were good to go. The leader went to stand up but I pushed him back down. Conner looked at me a little scared but I held my head up high. "Let's continue this conversation where everyone is not looking at us. You're all about 16 correct?" "Yes Luna." "Good, I was 16 once. I understand how it feels to be more powerful than humans but there isn't just werewolves out there." I said and they all looked up at me. "Before I continue this, you better keep my secret safe. Do not go telling anyone that I am a panther. You all can hate me, want revenge and do whatever you want but if you tell people you have a panther as your Luna and in your pack. You will cause death and destruction to this pack and no one wants that. Right?" They nodded "Yes Luna." "Good. Now, enough of me playing adult." I said sitting down "Wanna tell me why you all act the way you do? Because I know damn well Blake would have put you all in your place long ago." They all looked at the leader who sighed. "Because they treat us all like kids. They don't treat us like adults or hell even teenagers. They call us pups and we hate it. So we started acting out and no one wanted to control us but we wanted attention we wanted Alpha or our parents to confront us, to yell at us, to treat us like were grown but they don't. No one does... until you came here." That hurt, that for sure hurt. The others agreed "We hate doing what we do but no one treats us like adults. So we thought by acting out they'd notice us but they never do... it has us to the point that our grades are dropping." One female said. I sighed "Before we continue can you tell me your names?" "Ashley" "Cameron" "Katie" "Silas" "Ethan" I nodded "Nice to meet you all, I'm Arabella. I'm Alpha Blake's mate and I'm a panther" I said smiling at them. "I won't treat you like children, but I won't treat you like adults either. I don't know how this packs works as I've only been here for two days. I will say this though. I will help you all with your grades. When you get out of school, I want you at the pack house waiting for me and we can go on runs, hell I'll even train you guys to fight better. I'm not a wolf so I can't teach you all that but I will help you. After a little while I'll start treating you like adults after I see you guys improve. No offense, but acting out isn't going to get you guys treated better. I understand why you did it, but I won't be like everyone else. You want to be treated like adults you'll have to start changing into adults. Understood?" "Yes Luna." "Good, now for starters please call me Arabella or any nickname you chose. As for the guys, watch Blake. He's a jealous puppy and will growl at you but do not growl back. Understood?" "Yes L- Arabella." They corrected. "Good, do you guys have homework?" They nodded "It's in our house." "Good, go get it and meet me at the pack house and I'll help you guys okay?" They nodded with a smile "Oh... we don't hate you and we don't want revenge." "Good... because I really didn't want to actually kick your asses." I said smirking "Thank you... for not treating us like kids." "You're welcome. Now let's go do this homework bullshit." They laughed and got up as I followed them out smiling at Conner who was just stunned by everything.

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