Chapter 21

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The last few weeks have been exhausting, between going back and forth with Conner, moving into mine and Blake's new house, getting the baby rooms set up and so much more I'm ready for a 23 hour nap in a tree. We had a baby shower and I honestly didn't even know you could get this much stuff for a small infant, a child yes, but for an infant, no. Klaus had come back to the pack, with Elijah and Rebekah, to paint the nursery. They haven't let me in their yet but I did get to do basically everything I could that didn't involve me going into the nursery. Elijah helped Josh, Carter, Kaiden and Blake with putting everything together and carrying things as Rebekah helped me set the house up and get everything ready for the twins to arrive. Somewhere along the lines of everything Blake had officially adopted Kaiden and he is now Kaiden Andrews since I didn't have to do much of anything thanks to Damen using his power to get everything legal.

Anyways, after the guys got the nursery together I was finally allowed to see it. When I walked in the first thing that I noticed was the one wall where the cribs were had a beautiful painting of a, well my, black panther with emerald green eyes along with a crown that matched mine on her head and standing next to her was a wolf that looked just like Blakes's behind us was Josh, Carter and Kaiden in their wolf and panther form as the background had a beautiful water feature in the corner and the woods around it. It was absolutely beautiful, the cribs didn't even block the painting either. I stood there mesmerized by the painting for a few minutes before Blake cleared his throat making me look around and see that the nursery was a wolf theme but I honestly couldn't even be upset. It was beautiful and it fit everything, along with there was some stuffed animals that were black cats and had green eyes that I just loved. Rebekah said she did the closet the way I wanted due to not one of the guys could figure it out which made me laugh but I didn't realize they had so many clothes. Rebekah said that if it was out of season or wouldn't be warm enough due to it becoming winter than she put it in some bins and labeled them with the sizes. I was so happy with everything, she said the only thing I had to do was have the babies and I couldn't wait. Klaus said he was trying to get me to tell him the names because he was going to paint their names on or on the wall by their crib which made me look away due to I wouldn't tell anyone and I thought he wanted to do it just for the hell of it. Oops?

After the tour of the nursery I was happy with everything, especially because tonight was the night of the full moon. These boys were pretty happy also as we walked, or waddled in my case, to the party where I could smell the steaks. Josh came up with a plate and told me he already made mine while I was shown the nursery which made me happy, I thanked him taking the plate and waddled my self to a table until I realized that I couldn't reach my plate, so I cut it up the best I could before putting the plate on my belly and started eating. A few people laughed as I heard a few women talk about how they used to do that the same when they were carrying their pups. It honestly makes a great plate holder until they kick it. After I ate Blake helped me back up as we watched everyone having a great time, I was starting to get pains in my back but I pushed past it. Blake looked at me weird but I told him I was fine... apparently. I was not fine.

As the sun was setting, the pain got so bad before it felt like I had pee'd myself and that's when it hit me. I screamed for Blake and Rebekah started yelling about needing Conner because I was in labor. It was absolutely hell, it hurt so bad Blake was trying to calm me down but it wasn't working it hurt so bad it felt like they were ripping me apart. I yelled that they were coming out now and Conner looked like he was going to pass out. Even if Klaus, Elijah or Rebekah used their speed it wouldn't be enough to get us all to the room. Conner had instructed them to put me on the ground and have Elijah sit behind me. Conner was worried that Blake would pass out and we needed someone to keep me up. Conner told Blake my pants needed to come off to which he tried to argue but he got shut down when I may or may not have cussed him out before he paled and quickly removed my clothes as Conner gasped and told Klaus to go get blankets or towels as fast as he could as Rebekah held my hand and leg on the other side and Blake was trying not to pass out as he held my hand. Klaus came back within seconds after Conner told him that, he held four towels and 2 blankets. Conner had managed to put a towel under me as he told me to push. Elijah held me up and was coaching me on breathing which confused the hell out of me on how he knew what to do but I let it go. After the third push my first son was born but it didn't take long for the second to start coming out, unfortunately after watching the first one Blake passed out leaving Elijah to hold my hand and Josh to play rescue to Blake, honestly, I don't even know where Josh had come from but he was there. Conner had cut the umbilical cord as Klaus wrapped him in the towel not knowing what to do before Carter came running over just in time for the second one, just like the first, after a couple pushes he was out. Conner had cut this ones umbilical cord and handed him to Carter who had followed what Klaus said and wrapped him in a towel as well. After the other stuff happened I laid back into Elijah trying to catch my breath feeling absolutely exhausted. Blake finally came too and looked at me asking if I was okay to which I just glared at him and didn't say anything. Carter was absolutely in love with his nephews and Conner said he needed to take the boys to his office but I wouldn't be able to move for a little bit which I wasn't going to argue. I don't think I could even move at the moment. I wanted my Cubs but I wanted them to be looked at and make sure that they are okay before anything. I asked why they weren't crying and Carter said that they did for a short period of time but I was screaming over them and they're content now. That made me happy as I just chilled where I was wanting nothing more than my Cubs.. or pups. Blake went with them as Josh stayed and asked if I wanted anything. Honestly... I did but I didn't want to say anything.. Elijah figured it out and asked if his would be okay. I nodded and he asked Rebekah and Josh to block us which they did as Elijah bit his wrist bringing it to my mouth. It wasn't exactly what I wanted but it was good enough. Elijah asked if it was Blake I needed and I nodded. I let go of his wrist as he asked Josh to link him back here and tell him the situation. Josh nodded and said he would as Rebekah said she would stay to continue to block us and I was thankful for that. It didn't take long for Blake to come back and him and Elijah switched spots. Blake ran his fingers through my hair telling me that it was okay and after I felt that he meant it I bit him and started to drink his blood. His blood felt like sparks across my whole body as I drank it and I then realized it was healing me more than Elijahs was. After I latched off of him I noticed the change in my body, I still had the bump but it was definitely not as big as it was before this. I asked if I could go see my pups and they nodded Blake insisted that he would carry me until Conner gave the okay for me to move that far which I didn't argue I enjoyed feeling the heat off of him.

As we reached Conner office I heard the babbles of our pups making me perk up as Blake put a pep in his step. Once we arrived Blake carefully sat me on the bed as Elijah told Conner what happened. Carter and Klaus handed me my pups and they were beautiful. Their jet black hair and tanned skin was so beautiful. They had their eyes closed but I didn't mind, I was so happy to have two beautiful boys being held in my arms as Blake came next to me and kissed my cheek softly. "I love you Arabella." "I love you too Blake." I said before looking up feeling him kiss me softly. "Soo... names?" I smiled looking at my boys who opened their eyes, one was golden and the others eyes were green and I made up my mind right there. I looked at the one with golden eyes "Carson James Andrews." I looked at the baby boy with my eyes and smiled "Cain Theo Andrews." I said as I tear fell from my eye. Carter came up next to me hugging me "I think they're beautiful Bels. I'm sure Dad would be so happy to hear those names." I nodded trying to stop the tears from my eyes. "I love them baby girl. They're beautiful." Blake said kissing my temple. "You made their middle names their grandfathers?" Rebekah asked and I nodded. "That's so perfect!" She whisper squealed making me giggle as Blake took Cain in his arms. "They are perfect." I whispered kissing the top of Carson's head and doing the same with Cain.

Conner had told us that both boys were fine and were both a healthy 7 pounds 13 oz each. After that I had to hand Carson over to Carter so I could be checked which I can honestly say had to be the most uncomfortable thing in my life to be in a room of all males besides Rebekah as my.. personal spots.. were exposed but thankfully they were all worried about the boys. Conner had said that surprisingly enough due to the blood I was almost fully healed but I still need to be careful and make sure I continue to eat like I did and care for myself as well and Ill be healed in no time. Josh had finally came in and said he told the pack that we will be resting and may have made a decision on his own telling the pack we asked for a day or two before visitors so we could get adjusted to our new life. We were surprised but I was the first to thank him and said that I didn't mind and I appreciated it. Blake gave him a nod and thanked him as well. Conner said I was free to go back to our house which I was for sure thankful for. I wanted a shower and my own bed. Elijah had helped me up off the bed and I was a little shaky which I had no time to adjust before Elijah scooped me up as we walked out and avoided the pack going to our new home.

Once we arrived the boys were asleep as we laid them in their cribs to sleep. Blake told the others that they were welcome to stay here or at the pack house which Carter said he was staying here as the others agreed. I nodded and said I wanted to go to bed. Blake took me from Elijah as he carried me to our room. Gently sitting me on the bed he asked if I needed anything. I didn't hesitate to tell him I needed a shower. He chuckled and said he would help me which I didn't mind. I almost forgot how much I enjoyed him washing my hair and body. After we finished the shower and got dressed we went and checked on the boys who were sleeping peacefully making me smile before we made it to our own bed falling asleep.

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