Chapter 5

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The next morning I woke up feeling amazing, I felt an arm around me and rolled over purring into Blake's chest. "Good morning beautiful." I purred loudly into his chest. "Goodmorning" I kissed him softly before jumping up out of bed "Come on! Get up! We have an exciting day prepared." I said giggling. He raised an eyebrow but got up I grabbed an outfit and headed to the bathroom to shower and get ready. Afterwards we headed downstairs and I was practically skipping in joy. "Calm down baby, you have to eat breakfast before we do anything." He said laughing. I sighed but followed him into the kitchen were Mary and a few others were. "Goodmorning you two." She greeted "Goodmorning!" I sang out. "I see you're excited for today." I nodded happily as she placed a plate in front of me with a glass of milk. I thanked her and started eating. "So what exactly are we doing today?" Blake asked in the middle of eating "We're going to see the pups today." Mary said and I nodded happily Blake's face turned to horror. "Nope. I am not, they scare the hell out of me." I raised an eyebrow "Oh please you'll be just fine you overgrown puppy." I said teasing him. He growled and I growled back "Well you two are adorable." Mary commented I smiled brightly at her "she's adorable I'm just amazing." I snorted and patted him in his back standing up "Sure you are babe. Sure you are." "Says the one who almost got into a cat fight for someone touching me." I tensed and glared at him. "Ooo~ is that what you told me about? How you turned into mom?" Carter said walking into the kitchen. I nodded and placed my dish in the sink rinsing it off. "Oh I want to hear this." Carter said making a plate and sitting down. "No you don't." I said awkwardly. "I do!" Mary commented. "Someone turned into a whole different person and said things I don't think you want to hear mom." Blake said and she raised an eyebrow "Well if I know anything about Emma, I'm sure it was sexual." I choked on thin air hearing that and turned around as my face felt like it was on fire. "Oh it was. And we haven't even done anything yet... besides me marking her." Blake said and everyone looked at me. "Yeah he marked me.." I said avoiding Carter's glare. "You're lucky you're the alpha." Carter mumbled towards Blake "And if I wasn't?" Blake asked "I'd beat your ass." Carter said glaring at him. "Oof. Dog fight." I commented with a smirk. "And also, that bitch should keep her hands to her damn self." I growled with an eye roll. Blake smirked and Mary looked proud. "So what did you say to her?" Mary asked "Do you really want to know?" She nodded and said yes. I smirked evilly remembering her face "She tried to hit on Blake and I watched to see what he would do. He ignored her and didn't even glance at her until he told her not to touch him. Well she said she didn't have to touch him but he could touch her. So I went up and asked Blake what he was doing like I wasn't just watching him. Well that mangy bitch had the nerve to tell me that she was talking to him so I told her she wasn't and to get away from my man. Well... it turned into her saying that I couldn't do things to him that she could and I shut that little whore down completely. I told her that I do things to him that she wouldn't even dream of and the way he moans my name when I'm on top of him is something that she would never hear from any man. Yeah she ran away probably crying but oh well. And yes, I did that in front of a whole store." I said smirking proudly. They just looked at me with so much shock before Mary said "You better marry her." Blake nodded as Carter soon broke out of it and started laughing. "At least you didn't actually fight her like mom would have." "Oh if she didn't run away I would have thrown her around like you do with a rope playing fetch." I said still smirking. "Oh it was one damn time! Leave it alone." "Never." "You're disgustingly evil." Eh I'd say I'm pretty hot though." He sighed deeply "I second that." Blake said "You are very beautiful." Mary said and I smiled at her. "Thank you Mary, you're very beautiful also." She smiled and asked if we were ready and I nodded.

"Glad you two are." Blake mumbled making me giggle. We followed Mary to a house she said they use it as a school for the children since they shift randomly and don't want them going to a human school until they are older. I could hear the screaming and yelling from the children and the yells of the teacher telling them to calm down. I giggled softly as Blake looked horrified. We walked in and the all looked at us before going back to screaming and running. The teacher bowed "Alpha." She said almost ready to cry "You okay Ann?" Mary asked "No. they won't listen to me they just keep screaming and won't stop. They were supposed to take a nap 45 minutes ago and they won't." She said as her eyes were watery I smiled "Stand over there, I'll get them." I said softly with a smile she looked at me like I was crazy, hell she wasn't the only one, Blake and Mary looked at me like I was insane. I purred loudly catching their attention. All the kids stopped and looked at me "Hello there little ones, I'm Arabella." "Hi Arabella!" They said "Can you do me a favor?" They all tilted their heads and I about died from how adorable they are. "Can you all lay down? It is nap time isn't it?" They pouted but laid down and I noticed a little guy in a crib who was standing up looking ready to cry. The kids laid down and I decided to sing a song my mom used to sing to me.

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