Chapter 17

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Blake and I stayed up talking almost the whole night getting to know different things about each other, some questions led to some personal talks but I didn't mind. I was happy to tell him the truth on everything. When we woke up the next morning it felt like we grew even closer and I couldn't be happier about it. He said we would need to spend the day in his office for me to learn everything which was pretty easy if I may say. I got to see Kaiden for a few and that made my day even better. We ended up telling everyone on how I found him and took him in and that led to a couple people, Blake included, for us to get a DNA test to make sure he actually wasn't my son or related which I wanted to smack them all for it but we agreed to do it. Conner told us it would take a little while for the results which we didn't mind either. I learned so much about how this pack runs, what we do and how to run it. However, things changed when I told Blake I wanted to make a phone call to Damon and thank him for everything. Blake agreed and that leads us to the phone call before dinner.


"Hello Damon."

"Well if it isn't Queen Kitten, how are things with you?"

"They're wonderful actually... I wanted to thank you for helping Kaiden with everything that you did."

"I figured that's why you were calling me. I owed you for saving mine and my brother life so I figured that could make up for it."

"Right, thank you and I hope you're doing fine."

"You know, living the dream. Drinking blood, ripping throats out, all that jazz."

"Gross. Please tell me you didn't flip the switch."

"Nope, it's still on and kicking. How's the dog for a mate?"

"Oh shut up, he's not a dog. He's a wolf. And things are great actually. Thank you very much."

"Yeah yeah, are we invited to this wedding of yours?"

"Depends. Can you keep your sanity and not kill anyone? This does involve blood"

"Oh, eh. I could just bite you."

"And I could snap your neck and put you in time out before you even try it."

"Ouch. Always so feisty. It's fine weddings aren't my thing. Last time we went to one Stefan turned and tried to kill everyone."

"Oh.. well okay then. Besides, even if you tried. Klaus and them would kill you."

"Oh the halfie is going? Should have known with your history."

"Hm. Sounds like jealousy to me."

"No way, if I wanted you I could of had you in bed screaming my name within the first hour of talking to you."

"Never going to happen."

"Yeah because you picked the halfie."

"I never picked anyone thank you very much. I didn't call you to argue either. I called to say thank you for taking care of my cub."

"Yeah no problem. I gotta go. Dinner time calls."


I hung up the phone with an eye roll and Blake looked ready to kill him. "Vampires are dicks." I said "Yeah, I'd say so." Blake said and I nodded "I told you vampires are terrible. Only a few of them aren't that bad." He hummed before picking me up and kissing me softly. "You're pretty hot when you defend me like that." I blushed a little and turned my head "Dont get all shy now love but it's okay, let's go eat dinner." I nodded being a little to flustered to talk and we headed down to the kitchen. The teenager's were still here but I didn't mind at all. I sat down next to Kaiden who smiled at me and I smiled back. "I'm glad to have you back mom." "Me too sweetheart. Me too." I said hugging him again. Mary turned around so quickly "Excuse me?!" She yelled surprised. "Wait mom! She took him in when she found him alone. He's not her actual son." Blake said quickly and Mary breathed out "Oh okay. You scared me for a second. He does look just like you though." I chuckled awkwardly "Yeah I know." I said but smiled at Kaiden. "So when you two get married will he get Blake's last name also?" I blushed deeply "It would make me happy if he did." Blake said surprising us. "That's up to you Kaiden." "I mean.. no offense to Carter but it would make me not feel so girly having Rose as a last name.." Kaiden said making Carter and I laugh. "No offense taken dude. I've felt that way my whole life." Carter said ruffling his hair.

Before dinner was served, Conner came in looking confused. I raised an eyebrow. "The dna test came back.." he said and I tensed at the tone. "And?" Blake asked "Her DNA makes up 43% of his." My mouth dropped and so did Carter's.. hell everyone's did. "However, when it comes to the parent genetics. It came back negative. So I'd say you two are related and possibly cousins or younger brother." Carter and I looked at each other "I don't think mom had any kids after she had me." "Did she even have siblings?" Carter asked and we looked at Mary. "I do believe she had a younger sister.. but I don't really remember." "Well, okay then. Welcome to the pack Kaiden." Blake said with a smile making me happy. Dinner was served and I was happy about that. We all ate and got to get to know the teenagers a lot more before we said our goodbyes to them. Kaiden looked like he didn't want to leave but he asked if he could stay with Katie and we allowed it.

We walked them to the door and Kaiden gave me a hug before leaving. We watched them all walk away and Blake wrapped his arm around my waist. "You know, it threw me off for a second but I actually like the kid." Blake said kissing my cheek. "So... what do you wanna do now?" I asked closing the door Blake smirked and I knew exactly what that was. I took off running upstairs and before I could reach the door Blake caught me picking me up and taking me into his room.

And that night we didn't get much sleep.

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