Chapter 4

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As we got to his office I noticed the guys from earlier in here. "Arabella what is happening?" Carter asked. I stood in front of all of them. "I think all of you should sit down for this.." they looked at each other before sitting down. "Carter... do you remember Sam?" His eyes widened then he growled. "I'll take that as a yes... first off, what I'm about to say I need you all to listen to me. Please. I know you all just met me besides Carter but this will effect your whole pack and I was stupid enough to not only do it but forget it." I started and they got serious.

"Let's start off with Sam... Blake.. I know I told you how Carter was the oldest... but there was another guy the same age as Carter. He was his best friend... however... things changed. I was 10, Carter and Sam were 13. Sam tried to.. rape me.. not to long after. His wolf took control of him. He snapped out of it but his friendship between Carter and him died out. Carter was the next Alpha and Sam was going to be his beta. However, when I was 12 I shifted in front of the pack. It was my first shift... Sam did something none of knew he would do. He imprinted on me." I was cut off by growling "Isnt that like impossible though?" Josh asked and I nodded "Between two wolves yes, however... I'm a panther. For a wolf to imprint on me is about as rare as finding a werewolf with a pet fairy." They looked surprised "Sam kept calling me his mate, but I wasn't his." Blake growled loudly "It was a couple months after that, Carter left on a mission from Dad. He wasn't supposed to return for at least 2 weeks. Sam was in isolation because his wolf took over him and wouldn't give Sam control back. His mother... my mom killed her. After the attack and I ran, I was never captured until I came here. 10 years of running and never captured.. however. I was trapped. Do any of you know about an Alpha David?" Their eyes widened. "He was cruel, no one knew much about him because they wouldn't live to tell." Blake said and I nodded. "Yeah... I did. When he trapped me he knew exactly who I was. He told me he was the one who set up the attack. Sam's mom was a whore, she tried to get Dad so many times and mom had enough of it. There was a fight and Mom killed her. Brutally. David knew about us due to her... he is Sam's real father. His mom cheated on her mate with him and had Sam. There were three reasons why the attack happened when it did. David knew they would never get me as long as Carter was there. He'd kill anyone and everyone who tried to hurt me. That's why when Carter left 3 days later the hunters came and killed my whole pack expect for me. Mom told me to run and I did. Anyways... The three reasons that attack happened is so David could get his son, kill my parents... and kidnap me.." I said as tears started to fall. "When Sam said I was his mate... he was next in line to be Alpha of David's pack... this pack however was all male. They'd capture females breed them until they had a son... if they had daughters they'd kill them not even 5 minutes after their birth. Once they got a boy... they'd kill the female but I was different. Sam was to be alpha... and I was to be his Luna.." growls and protest were heard from every male in the room. I pulled my knees to my chest putting my head on them as I cried. "It's okay love, you're mine now." I shook my head "No. that's not all." Blake raised an eyebrow but picked me up setting me on his lap.

"I was sixteen when I was trapped... I killed the whole pack and David. There were no females, no children, nothing. I killed 12 Alphas at the age of 16." I said crying. Blake held me tightly against him. "You killed them all? By yourself?" Carter asked I looked up to everyone looking at me in utter shock. I nodded "Yeah.. that doesn't mean I didn't get injured. However... what I did when I was 17 was stupid and led me to this.." I said quietly and that caught everyone's attention. "I went to New Orleans... I met a witch... and a few vampires. Surprisingly the Vampires were a lot nicer to me than werewolves at first... anyways.. the witch has a spell that could cancel the Imprint Sam had on me.. until I find my mate.. his imprint would block my mate out until she did the spell. When I meet my mate the countdown starts. I have 72 hours of meeting my mate for him to mark me or the spell breaks and I'm back to being Sams.." I said and everyone was in shock. "Can I mark you then?" Blake asked and I nodded. "You don't have to right now, we are only... 10 hours into just meeting." I said looking at the clock. "The reason for this... isn't just to tell Blake that he has to mark me... Sam is still alive... and he's looking for me.." I said and Carter sighed "I figured that would happen... I couldn't find you or Sam when I went back. Honestly I didn't care to find Sam, I just wanted to find you.." I smiled softly and nodded. "Well thank you for telling us... but what was the thing with Vampires?" Owen asked and everyone agreed. "Oh right.. I stayed at New Orleans for about a year. They let me stay with them and helped protect me. Talk about a time of my life there, they had parties every night and their food is amazing when they'd actually cook for me. I would go hunting with them.. kind of. I don't drink blood but yeah. On the other side of the border.. that's where werewolves are. One night there was a pack of rogues that came into their territory. It was a deadly fight and I couldn't just let them kill them. They took me in, protected me, cared for me. They were almost like brothers and sisters to me. I joined in the fight and they were surprised but they just smirked and we took all the rogues out. The last one said that Sam would find me... after that I took off running again. I told them I didn't want to be the reason they have werewolves keep attacking them. They didn't want me to go but they let me. Now I'm here.. I found my brother and my mate. In those 3 years I forgot about Sam and the spell until Eva reminded me earlier." I explained with a smile on my face. "So you mean to tell me... your friends with Vampires?" I nodded "And werewolves, there was a couple packs that helped me out. The one Alpha was actually really nice, he was the only one to know about me being a Panther... that's how he found me. I stayed for about a month but I decided to leave so no problems could come. They said if I ever needed anything to come find them." Blake was just stunned at everything. "Well damn.. who knew my mate would be as wonderful as you." He said and kissed my cheek making me blush.

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