Two teens who are soon to be graduating realize that they have stepped into the timing of when they wanted to travel to Korea, however their parents won't just give them the money to go for vacation all by themselves. They must have a reason to do s...
Seren and i had just sat down and settled into our seats on the airplane. Excitement was nearly killing her, but for me it was more of anxiety stabbing me to death.
"Seren? I don't think i'm gonna be okay."
"Why do you say that?"
She turns to me slightly concerned. Then her expression goes from confused, to shocked. "Please tell me you took to sleeping meds before you got on...or you at least have them on you."
I hesitantly shake my head. Leave it up to me to forget small, but important assets when doing something.
"You check again, and i'll check-"
"Attention, please take your seats for take off. Be sure to fasten your seatbelts....."
"Ah shit-"
"Is it getting hot to you? I'm sorta hot."
"Okay okay, breathe first. Don't think, if you don't think you don't panic."
"Panic? Okay, I can do that."
"No, breathe!"
Somehow my hands had gripped the rest handles beside me, and i couldn't stand to be still. I had to be still though. People would think if i was crazy to run around on and airplane at this age.
Seren continued to rush and look through her things to see if we had really left the medication.
The reason we're doing this, and i'm about to have a panic attack is because i've never actually flew before.....because i have a terrible fear of heights....and closed spaces with a lot of people.
"Hold on, we are about to experience turbulence."
"Turbulence? You mean they shake too?! I'm gonna die-"
She puts two into her hands and pries my fingers off the rest handle, putting them into my hand. "There, now you put them in your mouth and drink some water."
I exhale and hurry to swallow the pills. The earlier i take them, the faster i can fall asleep.
"Thank you."
"That's what friends are for, aren't i right?"
I nod and lay my head back.
"And to think i did all of that convincing, just to freak out over a flight."
"I don't think you were actually thinking about how we would get to South Korea."
"No, i just forgot about my fear of heights."
"Possibly." ___________
Yes, getting here was a definite hustle. It took a bunch of power-points and full explanation of how going to South Korea would be beneficial, but we pulled through and got what we were fishing for, permission.
Hi, My name is Mekhyia (last name? i'll never tell ;) The girl Seren i mentioned earlier is my friend. A very close one. I've known her for the longest, but we didn't meet face to face until three years ago, when she transferred over to my school not knowing that that's where i was. Coincidence? Maybe, but it's the best one to ever happen to me so i'm not complaining, let alone questioning why.
I look like this>>>>
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