Two teens who are soon to be graduating realize that they have stepped into the timing of when they wanted to travel to Korea, however their parents won't just give them the money to go for vacation all by themselves. They must have a reason to do s...
The city lights were even more beautiful than i imagined them to be. SuAh called for a taxi and we all got in as they put our bags in the back.
"This is gonna be a long ride, but worth it."
"We're in no rush anymore."
"Right, we have plenty of time on our hands. Plus i literally slept the whole way here."
"How come? No sleep befoore the flight?"
"More like she has a huge fear of heights and crowds in enclosed spaces."
"If you were my height and were used to rual areas you would be too!" _____________
We made it to our temporary home and went in to turn the lights and things on. Just to get a feel of everything, we were gonna leave right back out to eat anyway.
Khyia had ran upstairs first while i checked if the water was on. Then came right back down 5 minutes later.
"Rooms are plain so we dp have to decorate them a bit with our own things, but overall everything is really nice."
Living room Visual>>>
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"This is really nice, how'd you guys get this place?"
"Uhh, Khyia likes to do a lot of research. We got in touch with this family that was going on summer vacation and they offered us this place. No one really stayed in it, but we do need to be somewhere else for when the years starts again."
"Something about their daughter coming back into town?"
"Ah. Makes sense. If you don't find a place you can always stay with me!"
"We will keep that in mind. Thanks."
"Anything for a friend. Now, shall we leave now? SuJin could be waiting on us."
"My best friend, it's rare i get her these days. She's always trying to run off to a tutoring session like she can't have a life."
I glance over to Khyia who knows i totally get the situation. She looks away and scratches the back of her head before grabbing her purse and heading for the door. "Yeah we should go before she runs off somewhere else."
I chuckle as SuAh and i follow right behind her.
"Is the place walking distance?" Khyia looks around, then back and forth on the street.
"Oh yeah. From here we can go plenty of places. You aren't far from town and the bus station either. I guess you guys are lucky?"