Two teens who are soon to be graduating realize that they have stepped into the timing of when they wanted to travel to Korea, however their parents won't just give them the money to go for vacation all by themselves. They must have a reason to do s...
Suah pulled me into the living room and Seojun followed right behind. "Khyia, how do you let them be in the same room without you. We're supposed to protect each other!"
Khyia looked up from her book clueless. "Well, he's an idol. I don't think they can date so why would he try to play Seren like that."
I nervously chuckle along with Seojun. I know i'm not one of his plans. I'll rephrase that. I HOPE i'm not a part of his plans. My standards are pretty high and i've trained myself to not fall for even the prettiest faces. All he has shown was that he was interested, i need to know what he would bring to the table.
The cons are currently winning, the fact that he is willing to ditch his morals is both good and bad, but who said we'd last forever? What if I become a waste of his time, or even worst, he becomes a waste of mine...
"I know Seojun, he didn't even want to be an idol in the first place."
"People change Suah! I'm not as ignorant as i used to be."
"But you got yourself into it with Da-eun!"
"I bought you a sweater-"
"It's forgiven, not forgotten. Anyways, i want to do a little surprise for Yoo Taehun. He's in the army so he has to leave again. I want him to leave with happy memories of everyone."
"He was serious about the army? Wow-"
"Yeah. He's been back and forth months at a time."
"What do you want us to do?" _________________
We had mapped out everything on some paper and pencil, and as soon as we finished SEojun had got a call. His bandmates were pretty furious that he was about to be late for rehearsal.
He jumped up and quickly excused himself, we understood though. Duty calls.
"Thank you guys again for helping. Soojin was busy today, she said."
"Oh no problem! Don't forget if we can't find a venue we can have it here. Since you're inviting-"
"I'm not going to invite her. She hasn't contacted me in forever, and I refuse to reach out when I was the one who sent the last message to her."
Khyia's POV..
Damn, that must have hurt to have that happen. She just ghosted her and thought nothing of it. Not even an explanation from social media. I would hold my grudges too. Especially since she hadn't said she was back in town, nor does Jugyeong know that we know Suah and the rest of her friends she used to have.
It's gonna be so different when she comes back. Why do i have such a bad feeling about this?
"What if we had dinner together today? You know, dressed up and went out to a restaurant as a group of friends?"
"That sounds good, but I honestly have nothing to wear. Yoo Taehun and I always eat at each other's places."
I eye here, examining her body features." We're about the same size, i can help you with that. Seren, I'm styling you too."
"NO BUTS! I'm going to go in my closet and yours and start my magic as we speak."
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*Khyia, Suah, Seren>>>>*
"You planned this." Seren walks in wearing the outfit i had given her along with accessories. I let her choose her own shoes to wear. Which she did a good job of matching with the outfit.
"Ehehe yes, yes i did." I had just finished putting on my shoes and earrings.
Suah turns to the mirror in my room and tugs at the dress. "It is normal to feel naked in this, right?"
"You've never worn a dress like that before?"
She shakes her head. "Elders would think it's improper. Plus i haven't really been single to have a reason to wear something like this.
"I- sorry, i'll get you some spanks and stockings to wear under. It'll be better that way."
She nods and i go into my dawers to find spanks and stocckings i haven't worn. I wasn't hard since they would still be in the pack.
I always bought extra. _____________
The rest of the crew that they invited to come to dinner were left waiting at the restraunt for them.
"Would it bbe rude to order drinks without them-"
Song: Fire Truck: NCT
They all looked shocked as the seemingly innocent and pure soul that kept their group together was walking in wearing what she usually wouldn't. Khyia and Seren followed right behind her with just as much confidence. Khyia with the most because she had gotten the reaction she had wanted.
She did her job right.
"I- I- I-"
"Yoo Taehun!" She sits down beside him and kisses his cheek. He couldn't help but turn red. Which caused Suah's smile to drop. "Babe are you okay? You look like You've seen a ghost..."
"Yeah yeah i'm okay. Waiter!"
He called over someone and ordered the first round of drinks, they were on him.
Khyia leaned over to Suah and whispered in her ear. "He's nervous because he hasn't seen you in such an outfit. My job is done."
She chuckles as Suah panicks a little and takes another shot. With Taehun.
"So, you three were together when the message was sent out to meet here?"
Seren nods. "We apologize for being late. Khyia insisted she style the both of us. Plus we were delayed because we wanted Suah to leave comfortably."
"Yeah, Khyia lended me some...spanks?"
"Yeah, and i've always wanted to style trio outfits. It's more fun."
Soojin nodded and took another shot. "Should we order food then?"
"Yes, i'm hungry."
"I'm starving!" ___________________
Seren's POV...
"Ya! This is my plate! How dare you!"
Suah laughs as she stole a forkfull from Taehun's plate. He pretended to be bothered by it.
"Aish, you were just talking earlier how you loved when she'd steal off of your plate. Cause it reminded you that she was still comfortable with you."
"Hush! This is why i don't tell you things these days."
Seojun laughed with the rest of us but it quickly died down as he spotted something behind us. Or should i say someone.
"Seojun? Are you okay?" Suah turns the tame time Taehun and I did.
Low and behold, Jugyeong and SuHo entered the chat.