she knows

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"Seren! Seojun's here for you!"

I estimated that he would be here by the time i was up and dressed, ready for the day really. It was a few minutes after i was ready he arrived, so i was still on point with my estimation.
Seren's outfit >>>>

 Seren's outfit >>>>

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Khyia's outfit>>>>

I come downstairs and spot him setting up the table with Khyia and taking out the breakfast he had gotten on the way here

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I come downstairs and spot him setting up the table with Khyia and taking out the breakfast he had gotten on the way here. Pancakes and every possible thing one could want to eat with it.

Khyia was more mesmirized than i was, and this time it wasn't because i already knew, or because she loves all food in general. It was because it was still on my mind why he foze at the mention of Jugyeong annd hug up when i asked about it.

I wasn't going to just forget, or leave it alone for long for that matter. I'm gonna bring it up sooner or later and he knew i was going to. Simply from the way i locked eyes with him as i sat down.

"So, now that i'm over my exaggeration, what's with the breakfast delivery what have you done."

"Nothing. You guys have just been paccking up all week and i've been helping but still i wanted to treat you with this for all the work you've been putting in."

"Mhm..Seren what did he do."

"I'm not sure yet. It'll come up sooner or later. " I take another mouthful of my pancake and look at him. "I can see the nervous guilt all over his face."


"Yes, you're even look a little flushed in the cheeks, but what do i know."

After everyone finished eating Khyia insisted we leave her be to thhrow everything away. I was how she calmed herself, cleaning.

Seojun followed me to my room and sat in my bean bag, me on my bed legs crossed.

"You don't have to sit like that with me, i can control myself."

"I'm not sitting like this for your sake. Don't be full of yourself."

He slouches even more and starts to pull out his phone and i take it from him.


"You have 10 seconds to tell me why the hell you acted weird when i mentioned Jugyeong or i'm throwing it over your head out of the window."

"Woah woah woah, okay. Sheesh....I used to like her, but she didn't choose me, she chose someone else-"


"...yeah i guess that's his name."

"So you don't know him, just her?"

"Yes, and i know this used to be her house. I've seen many people move in and out but i didn't know it was because her mom was renting for so many weeks, months, or years. I just thought that the familes moved somehwere better."

" tell me. How much did you like her?"

"Enough to break down on a set of stairs. Now can i have my phone back now?"

"Yeah." I give him his phone back. "I'm sorry you went-"

"It wasn't you,, please don't apologize. I'm fine."

Now i feel bad for pushing him away so much. What if she did the same as i'm doing and he's pretending it doesn't bother him?

"...why was she here in the middle of the night anyway?"

"She's come back home. She couldn't wait to get back, almost as if there were no bad memories here."

He chuckles. "Oh yeah? Why does that sound like a lie?"

"I never lie, and you know this."

"You lied about not knowing where Yeji was."

"It was good reason okay?! Her boyfriend is a deuche...don't bring her up again okay?"

He nods and i cross my arms. ME and him both know she was still missing. At first i would have dreams that she had come back, or mistake others for her when it would just be some random girl wearing heavy makeup. They've stopped once i come to realization. I still make visits to the police station with Khiya and give them a few words.

Last time we went Khyia took every bowl of mints she saw and we were banned from coming for a few months unless we were being arrested or were witnesses. We're counting down the days we get to go back along with how long it's been since we've seen Yeji.

"Sorry, and you're right. Da-eun is annoying as hell. Him and all of his friends."

"How did you even get involved with them? And why did Suah react the way she did?"

"Because, this is my second time going through this like i haven't learned and...i fucked his last two girlfriends and swiped a few bucks from him to buy them expensive gifts with i'm sorry cards and dipped."

His voice lowered after and, but i heard every word and my facial expression had rissen to shook in the matter of seconds. "And you're- You're not denying that you did.."

He scratches the back of his head. "I mean you asked!"

"Disgusting!" I throw a pillow at him before leaving my room and finding Khyia downstairs. She was laughing with Suah but i didn't hear when she came in. "Suah?!"

"Finally you come-" She gasps as she spots Seojun behind me. Then immediately pulls me away from him.  "What is it with you and liking my friends."

"No we just talked about something. What friends?"

I asked because she doesn't know i know. Khyia probably hasn't even brought up Jugyeong to her so i'm going to pretend to be as clueless as possible.

"She's been gone for a long while. I don't even know if we're still friends, but that's besides the point. We're brainstorming what we're gonna do today."

"Ah. Okay i'll join. Seojun?"

I look at him with innocent eyes and he basically had no choice but to smile and agree. "Sure, why not."

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