New Rules

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Walking peacefully towards my new home with Cassandra, I can't help but feel sadness looming over my brain constantly picturing the tired, somewhat hurt look on Donna's face as I left the estate. This is supposed to be a happy moment; I finally meet someone who I instantly click with emotionally, mentally, and physically and I'm going to live with them. I mean, sure it happened REALLY fast, but maybe that's because it was meant to be. This should be such a happy moment...but it isn't. You're selfish. My mother's words ring through my head as I picture Donna sitting alone in her bedroom looking longingly at the handmade mattress on her floor where I used to sleep. She was right, I am selfish. A sharp twinge sears through the back of my head like a knife cutting my brain. "OW!", I growl while scratching and massaging my scars to make the pain stop. Cassandra stops and spins back to look at me. She looks more annoyed than concerned, but still asks, "What is it"? A memory floods my mind of my mother screaming and cursing angrily at me as I pack my bags to leave. I was 16 years old. I remember being so angry that I couldn't even look at her, but also being so scared of her and how much she hurt me. She told me she hated me, that I was breaking her heart, I was ruining our family, I was corrupted by the devil, and that I wasn't her daughter all because she found out I had a crush on a girl. I started packing since I knew I wasn't welcome with her and she called me selfish for putting my saftey before her control. I remember just what she said as I left the house, "You're selfish and you will NEVER be loved"! I stand frozen, hand still rubbing my head as the memory fades. I fight hard not to cry or show Cassandra any hint of emotion. Why is my mind so cruel, why would it show me that? Because she was right, you are selfish. Battling inside my brain, I instantly travel back to Donna smiling, helping me make my clothes, teaching me things, taking care of me when I wasn't well and truly caring about me regardless of who I am. She didn't care if I liked girls or boys, she didn't care about my appearance, she just cared about whether I felt safe, comfortable, and loved. Donna is not my mother, she doesn't think I'm selfish, she just wants me to be happy. My mind is silent and at peace until it is rudely interrupted by Cassandra saying, "Um, hello"? I acknowlege her and shake my head my head, clearing out all of my thoughts. "I just...remembered something from my past...that's all". I answer feeling my scars throb through my hair and fingertips. Cassandra's brow furrows in confusion and she asks, "What was it you remembered"? Not feeling comfortable enough to open my mind to her, I just reply, "It was just...the day I went out into the world to live on my own...the smell of the air reminded me of it". Cassandra's eyes narrow and beam like laser beams into my eyes as if she's trying to figure out if I'm lying or not. After scanning me for a bit, she hmphs, and turns forward, continuing down the pathway to the bridge and I follow her. Once we finish crossing the bridge, she turns back quickly, stepping close to challenge me and making me step back in defense. "YOU DON'T KNOW HOW LUCKY YOU ARE", she hisses, "You got off the hook WAY TOO EASY and I think you should STILL be PUNISHED for what you did"! I timidly just stand there in front of her, unsure of what to do or say until she angrily starts off down the path again. She's clearly very upset with me which leads me to believe that Alcina was very upset when she discovered I had left. I'm going to apologize to her as soon as I get to the castle and just hope she can forgive me quickly. I honestly wasn't trying to hurt her, but I do understand how much it hurts to reveal your most intimate self to another just for them to disappear as soon as they get the chance. I'll make it up to her, I have to. The gate is just up ahead signalling that our journey is halfway completed. Cassandra and I walk right up to it, then suddenly she grabs me and launches me high up into the air and over the gate. My  breath is snatched from my lungs keeping me from screaming as I plummet and spin towards the ground landing *THUD* against my back right into the hard dirt. I lay there for a bit gasping and listening to Cassandra turn into a mass of buzzing flies to scale the gate with ease before I slowly sit up to be confronted with her changing back to girl form right in front of me. "Thanks for helping me over the gate, feel a little better now?", I sneer sarcastically. She jumps forward and slices at me with her sycthe, making me fall backwards and cutting my cheek. I rub my stinging, bleeding wound and she snarls, "Now I do". Without another word, she grabs the collar of my shirt, drags me while strolling over to the gate blocking the path to the castle, and throws me up and over that gate as well. After another uncomfortable crash landing and listening to the cacophony of her buzzing easily over the gate, I shakily stand up, brush myself off, and follow her up the path. Along the way, a flash of bright purple catches my eye. Flowers, but not just any flowers, roses. Beautiful purple roses; I've never seen a purple rose before, surely Alcina would like them. I pick a few before Cassandra snaps at me to quit stalling her. Once we finally make it to the door, she stops and confronts me a final time. "Don't do anything else stupid or I'll make you regret it and this time, no one will be there to protect you, UNDERSTAND?", she barks. I nod and answer, "Yes ma'am", as the door opens and we walk inside. I catch myself marvelling again at the majesty of this place, barely keeping up with Cassandra who is still leading me. I can't believe this...this, this PALACE.. is my home, I live in a castle. "MOTHER!", Cassandra calls out. I barely register what she said before hearing large footsteps making their way downstairs. I look up towards the balcony seeing Alcina gracefully waltzing down the stairs and looking down at us with a blood red smile. I immediately bow in respect and Cassandra scoffs at me in annoyance. "Ah, you've returned sweet Valyrie to me", Alcina croons. I smile and feel myself blush. She called me sweet. I stand back up, holding the roses in front of my gently and looking up at her in nervous awe. "And I see she has accepted my offer..very good," she gleams. I'm not sure if that 'very good' was for me or Cassandra, but I take it as for me for accepting her gift. "Would you please excuse us Cassandra?", she asks still looking down towards me. Cassandra answers, "Yes mother", while glaring aggressively at me as she turns and walks away. Watching her leave and when she's sure Cassandra is gone, her lips form a slight scowl and she directs it at me. Her eyes are angry, but not in the hateful way like Cassandra's; more in the annoyed and hurt sort of way. My smile disappears quickly as she continues to approach until she's standing just a few in front of me. I pause for a moment, searching carefully for my words to soothe her pain. "....Alcina, I'm really sorry about leaving, I just-"
"Don't call me that", she growls cutting my apology off. I bite my tounge unsure of how to finish before she instructs, "You are only to refer to me as 'm'lady' you understand"? I nod quickly and answer, "Yes...m'lady...I apologize for leaving you this morning..I never meant to hurt you..I'm sorry for hurting you..and I promise it will never happen again". As soon as my apology is finished, she replies, "Well of course it won't because you're not allowed to step foot outside this castle without my clear that understood as well"? Taken aback by her forceful and somewhat demeaning tone, I look down at the roses still held gingerly in my fingertips, feeling powerless and unworthy to look at her, and I punily answer, "Yes m'lady".
"Look at me when I'm speaking to you", she orders. Cautiously, I slowly look back up into her angry gaze staring down at me. Her eyebrow raises and she leans down closer to look at me. She grabs my face in her gloved hand, squeezing it slightly, and turns my head, displaying my sliced cheek. "What happened there?", she asks. Cassandra, that's what happened. I probably shouldn't tell her that her daughter did that since it might get her in trouble. What do we care if she gets in trouble? She hates us anyways. No, I won't tell her. "A tree branch smacked me", I answer. She scans my eyes searching for any hint of a lie. "Hmm", she says behind pursed lips. Her grip loosens and her eyes move down to my neck, beaming at the lace collar. "It looks good on you", she whispers and her fingers slide down the side of my throat and dance around the crystal. I watch her eyes soften and turn ravenous as her fingers continue to travel down and across my chest. This is moving quickly once again. Suddenly, she stops herself and whispers, "There it goes're very good at that little pet". I'm not entirely sure what she means, but I'm guessing it has be temptation. As she starts to stand back up, she notices the roses still clutched in my hands. "Are those for me?", she asks gently. I nod eagerly, present them to her carefully, and answer without fearing about sounding repetitive, "Yes, m'lady....I though you might like them". She smiles slightly at me and takes them, admiring their fine details and prominent hue. "I do like them, thank you", she thanks. The slight smile disappears and she tries to make her eyes seem angry again. I've seen that look before when looking in the mirror. She's doing what I do.. built up walls, stopped herself from being vulnerable, put up an cold, callous front to hide her hurt and pain. I do it all the time, especially around my friends. Never would I allow myself to be vulnerable around anyone especially if I don't know them, yet we had both revealed our most intimate, vulnerable selves to each other so quickly and without question last night....and then I had to go and fuck it all up. She stands up giving me the angry scowl once again and growls, "What you did was CRUEL and UNACCEPTABLE". I nod, looking down in shame and answer, "I understand that and once again, I'm very sorry". She turns away and looks back at the roses in her hand. "It will take me some time to consider your apology...but as long as I still have your immediate attention, I should inform you of the other rules you are expected to follow here", she says cooly. I look back up at her and stand up straight, looking attentive and listening to her every word. "Your abilities automatically place you in higher power over the maidens, but that does not mean that you are required to use or abuse it against fact I expect you to treat them as kindly and respectably as they treat far as respect goes, you are also expected to treat my daughters as well as you treat me", she informs. I nod and confirm, "Yes m'lady". She continues, "If I call for you, which I will, you are to report to me IMMEDIATELY, no excuses, I do not like to be kept waiting and DON'T make me search for you...other than that you are not to pester me". Hmph, we'll just see about that after a while. I dismiss my mischievous thought, nod, and confirm "Yes m'lady" once again. She goes over a few more rules such as 'the cellar is off limits, I shall obey her no matter what, and to, as her daughter said to me before, not do anything stupid'. My mind considers maybe bending one or two of those rules when the time is right for some excitement, but I continue to silently dismiss them before she turns away from me, facing the stairs and orders, "You may go now, feel free to roam and explore". I feel like a bobblehead with how much I've been nodding, and slightly disappointed, I turn and slowly walk away from her to obey her orders and, as she suggested, explore the castle. With wide, hungry eyes looking all around this rich, glorious, beautiful place, I stroll through every room slowly and carefully, occasionally tripping over a rug or accidently bumping into a door or wall. I stare longingly at paintings and ornate vases and to my startled surprise, see a couple other girls around. There are dressed similarly and performing basic household tasks. I'm guessing that they are the maidens that Alcina was referring to. They seem to be too absorbed in their work to notice me so I don't disturb them and continue to explore when suddenly- "Excuse me, miss?", a voice calls out from behind me. I turn around and see a confused looking maiden holding a towel looking me up and down. Her long hair is platinum blond in color and she looks quite young. I cautiously answer her with, "Yes"? Another maiden appears from the corner of the hall and watches me closely as she continues to dust pictures. I watch the first maiden's eyes widen as she notices something and she asks, "Are you looking for m'lady Alcina Dimitrescu"? I quickly respond with, "Oh no, I was just-"
"Of course she is Gertrude, don't you know who this is?", a ice cold voice chirps from behind me. I spin around quickly to see a taller maiden with curly light brown hair approaching me with an sour looking grin. The blond maiden named Gertrude cowers slightly at the sudden presence of this other maiden and just shakes her head 'no'. The tall curly-haired maiden moves around towards Gertrude and the dusting maiden and points at me. " the 'special girl' m'lady Alcina told m'lady Cassandra to go fetch this morning', she sneers. Special girl? Is that what she calls me? She leans close to my face mockingly and chirps, "It's Valyrie, isn't it"? This maiden is starting to feel like a bully from my childhood rather than a lady worth my respect. At least I know Alcina calls me by my name rather than just 'special girl'. Swallowing anger from her being in my face and mocking me, I simply confirm, "Yes ma'am it is..would you mind telling me your name"? She scoffs and steps back with an awkward chuckle before answering, "I'm Cecily". What a shame that a beautiful name like that be stamped on such a vicious character. "So, why don't you tell us what makes you so special, VaLyRiE?", Cecily mocks. I glance back at Gertrude and the other maiden who are starting to slowly back off as if they can sense there's about to be an altercation. "To tell you the truth, I'm not sure what makes me... 'special' ", I answer biting back other hateful fiery sentences from escaping. "Are you nobility, are you rich, or does she just think your breasts look cute trying to burst out of that tight, little shirt?", she asks prodding the top of my chest. Gertrude and the other maiden gasp out loud. I nearly explode, but something in my heart keeps me from lunging at her and makes me frozen stiff with rage. Maybe it's just pure shock, but I just can't fight her back. She really pushes her mean streak by grabbing the large crystal pendant dangling from my lace collar and loudly whispers, "That's why she gave this to you, because this right here", emphasizing the crystal and teasingly batting it against my skin where it sits, "directs her eyes straight to your chest". My blood is BOILING and I'm fighting the urge to shove her off of me and wipe myself clean from her touch. Gertrude seems frozen with fear and the dusting maiden keeps looking back and forth as if trying to figure out what to do. "So...which is it, 'special girl'?", she hisses with a challenging smirk. The world stops for a moment and just the second after she speaks and before I finally snap, a powerful voice loudly calls out, "VALYRIE!", from the other side of the castle. Oh thank god Alcina is calling me so I don't have to tear this girl's head off. Forcing back fury and bridling my mutated strength, I gently push Cecily away from me and say, "Well, it was... lovely to meet you three, but I have to go, m'lady is calling for me", as I briskly leave the three maidens to continue their tasks. I quickly travel back the way I came, then follow the familar hallways Daniela dragged me through towards where I heard Alcina's voice booming from. Finally, I stop in front of the all too recognizable doors to her bedroom, and only after hearing her footsteps inside, I knock to make my presence known, open one of the doors, and step inside.

Valyrie: A Resident Evil: VILLAGE OC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now